Nude scenes aren't fun.

I don't do deleted scenes.

A good movie is three good scenes and no bad scenes.

Sometimes, scenes are great without any music at all.

Nobody knows what goes on behind the scenes with a YouTuber.

I wanna sit behind the scenes and see nothin' but the greens.

Shoot a few scenes out of focus. I want to win the foreign film award.

When we had the infamous mealtime scenes, food fights would inevitably develop.

I can see myself doing production work and handling projects behind the scenes.

Everyone realizes when it comes to fight scenes, that's gonna be my wheelhouse.

If I do too many takes, I'm too self-conscious. I think I'm better in first scenes.

The key to making good movies is to pay attention to the transition between scenes.

When I see sentimental scenes, I get emotional and tears start flowing from my eyes.

The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.

I like the things every actor likes - I like great, intense duet scenes with good actors.

Shower scenes are great. Janet Leigh never took a shower again in her life after 'Psycho'.

If you have a good thing going behind the scenes, you'll have a good thing going on-screen.

During 'Race 2,' I had to lean down completely because there was a lot of action scenes in it.

Intimate scenes or a kiss is a very technical aspect of filmmaking. It is extremely mechanical.

Before that I wanted to be a magazine illustrator - I probably would have painted Gothic scenes.

I'm a technician. I don't go for the get-into-the-role stuff. I read the lines and play the scenes.

Kissing onscreen is the worst thing in the world. I'm OK with lovemaking scenes, but I hate kissing.

The best thing about being a film producer is I get to spend 99 per cent of my time behind the scenes.

Raquel Welch is someone I can also live without. We've got some love scenes together and I am dreading them!

Poop humor is fun. If you do the toilet scenes well and commit to them, they can be really, really powerful.

I only storyboard scenes that require special effects, where it is necessary to communicate through pictures.

You have to work very hard behind the scenes, to make a message clear enough for a lot of people to understand.

The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

I steal scenes, I steal opportunities. I am the ultimate thief. I got sticky fingers, man. They all call me The Thief.

In 'Notting Hill,' I was part of a whole plot line over six scenes that was completely taken out. That was rather depressing.

That's the thing about awards - it's for the people who do all the hard work behind the scenes. An award is just a clap at them.

The way I navigate scenes is through what I perceive to be the emotional truth of the character: what he wants from moment to moment.

But the thing about bad guys is that they have the biggest bosomed blond, they have great clothes and cars, and get great death scenes.

There are quite detailed rules with sitcom. When people can leave scenes, act structure, joke rhythm. You can't not have a straight man.

Obviously, 'Lincoln' is not about the telegraph operator. There's a whole other movie before and after the two isolated scenes that I'm in.

We pass now quickly from each other's sight; but I know full well that where beyond these passing scenes you shall be, there will be Heaven.

I was sad that Corpse Bride was so short. I would've liked to have had her around for way longer. She doesn't actually have that many scenes.

When we played Paris, the English punks would come over, and they got to know the French punks. There was some nice scenes in the back alleys.

It's possible that I've matured as a writer, and I hope I've matured emotionally, but I always find myself revisiting these adolescent scenes.

I don't want to smoke on screen, as I will be sending a wrong message to my fans, and I appeal to my costars too, to avoid smoking scenes if possible.

I used to send away for eight-minute Super 8 movies of various Ray Harryhausen scenes advertised on the back of 'Famous Monsters of Filmland' magazine.

Directing is something I always wanted to do. I started when I was 13 directing scenes in high school and then plays in college with my theatre company.

I played a definite part in it. I guess the things that I played in films and the way the nudity and the love scenes were handled were really different.

It comes down to something really simple: Can I visualize myself playing those scenes? If that happens, then I know that I will probably end up doing it.

I met a hustler at a dinner party. He had been invited because I was looking for an adviser to help me with the street scenes. So we put him on the film.

There were scenes that just for length purposes, and knowing that the attention span of kids is not great, don't make it much longer than about 90 minutes.

I think good radio often uses the techniques of fiction: characters, scenes, a big urgent emotional question. And as in the best fiction, tone counts for a lot.

If the Russians masterminded fraud for 40 years at the highest state level in sports, operating behind the scenes to corrupt sports, what else are they capable of?

Watching the scenes out of New Orleans, if you turn down the sound it could be the Sudan or any Third World country. But it's not. it's the United States of America.

I can feel very brave through all the action scenes in front of the people who are on the set, but when a girl comes close to me my face turns red because I'm so shy.

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