I think it's always challenging to look at a script and make it your own while maintaining the sense of what the style of the show is.

Memorizing a playbook is like memorizing a script. When they change the script at the last minute it's like changing a play in a game.

The more love I craved, the more distant and abusive he grew. The role I longed to play was never written into Ryan's script: daughter.

With 'Lost,' some members of the cast would literally open the script and find out that they were dead. I mean, that's quite sad, really.

When I'm shooting, I don't care who the star is. I have an actor playing a part, and I'm serving the script, not serving anyone's career.

Why do only the Latin script when Nokia has a billion consumers? Typography is the bedrock of communication; it can really connect people.

Reading a newspaper is as important to me as reading a script. Sitting in a cafe and drinking coffee is as important as going for a shoot.

For me, it depends only on the script, the part I'm doing, and the people around me. It could be in Greenland or the Sahara. I don't care.

The fun stuff comes when someone is not so strict on sticking to the script. You're allowed the spontaneity, and great moments can happen.

I love Marlon Brando and James Dean. That was when it was all about the star and the script. Nowadays, everything has to be action-packed.

When I was 16, I got 'Jamon, Jamon.' Of course, I had to lie about my age. And I had to lie to my parents about the content of the script.

Before we ever had a script or anything, I was attracted to the idea of playing a character that housed within himself two opposing traits.

I would be happy to do 'Sarfarosh 2'. The script should be as good as the first one. I don't want to destroy the goodwill of the first one.

When I first read the script for 'A Little Chaos,' I just loved reading it, as it is a really lovely, accessible, contemporary period film.

I have always believed that chemistry can't be created between two people. You either have it or you don't. The script can only enhance it.

A script is utterly useless in and of itself; it's only of any worth the minute your actors, your designers, your directors come into being.

On '24,' it says on the front page of your script: 'This script is for the production staff and cast. Please don't show it to anybody else.'

Each of our collections is like a movie. We write the script, and this Sicilian woman who has traveled around the world plays the lead role.

I think a badly crafted, great idea for a new film with a ton of spelling mistakes is just 100 times better than a well-crafted stale script.

I've been very lucky and been able to work, as an actress, but I'm definitely a working actress. I get a script, I audition, and then I pray.

In my early 20s, I didn't even know what the Groundlings was. I had no idea. But I know how to break down a script and work on the character.

Turning one's novel into a movie script is rather like making a series of sketches for a painting that has long ago been finished and framed.

It doesn't matter if there are 500 people in the stands or 50,000 people, the '205 Live' guys stick to the script and tear it down each night.

In films, you have to follow the director's vision. Filmmaking is a director's medium. So everything happens as per the script and his vision.

I truly believe that God brought this, Dorothy Day script to me, because for a long time up until I was in eight grade - I wanted to be a nun.

When an actor asks you to read his script, your heart sinks. The number of scripts I've been given by actors that are so unbelievably terrible!

A lot of the time the film chooses me. I'll be working and I'll get a call from my agent and I'll get the script and then tell him what I think.

If I get two lines in the script, I somehow turn it into 20. I've got a bit of a bad habit of doing that, of just embellishing my little moment.

It's hard to find a play that's right for me to do. Rather than waiting around for the right script to come along, I decided to write one myself.

A horrible script 99 percent of the time means a horrible movie. But if you start with a good script, odds are you're going to have a good movie.

I don't really belong to that world and I don't think anyone's going to miss me. I'm much happier just to write myself out of the script entirely.

You can have a million dollar, 20 million dollar budget or 60 million dollar budget, and if you don't have a good script, it doesn't mean a thing.

When I wrote 'Kidulthood,' I didn't even know there was going to be a 'Kidulthood.' I just wanted to test myself to see if I could write a script.

Being in front of the camera, you never got to see the whole process from the conception of the script all the way through to the filming process.

I really love being in a room and developing work.: being at the table, looking at the script for the first time, and putting a story on its feet.

I think with the smaller-scale projects, the burden for success falls more squarely on the shoulders of the actors and the director and the script.

I envision the script as a story in my mind, memorize the entire thing and have it play out. It helps me figure out where my character needs to go.

As far as I am getting interesting projects to work in, it doesn't matter whether it's Bollywood, South or Gujarati. The script is the hero for me.

There are a lot of roles in Shakespeare, basically. If I feel that the script is a movie, I would be interested in doing any role of Shakespeare's.

For me, 'Mary Magdalene' is the most beautiful film I've shot with the performances and the script and the actors and ensemble. But not one saw it.

I like it when you read a script and there's the part that you show to the other characters and then there's the part that only the audience knows.

What I do is just go over and over and over my lines and learn the script so well that I can just be easy and relaxed. That's the way I always work.

As soon as I have the script in my hand, I'll be up in my apartment room pacing up and down learning it because it's just such a lovely thing to do.

When you're tied to one show, you are very much at the mercy of the writers, so you can suddenly get a script where you have a heart attack and die.

I find that most of my scripts have a lot more scenes than most films, so the average movie might have 100 scenes, my average script has 300 scenes.

I am a quick study - I can memorize a script in an hour - but I can't remember a name three seconds. I've even forgotten my wife's name on occasion.

Whether it's Shakespeare or Moliere, irony is a key component in the construction of theatre. A script would be pretty bad if it was devoid of irony.

The bottom line is, it's a great script and that's very inspiring and makes you want to overcome whatever technical difficulties you come up against.

It's difficult when you have to turn down a tremendous amount of money because you don't like what the script is saying and you don't have any money.

I've done a number of things based on real people or true stories or based on books, and I'm a great believer that you have to be true to the script.

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