I can't even read a script. I've tried and it's painful to watch.

I think first impressions are important when you pick up a script.

When I read the script for 'War Horse,' I was in absolute tatters.

Mr Tony Hopkins says he's willing to do it if he likes the script.

I only sound intelligent when there's a good script writer around.

My easiest judgment for a script is 'do I want to keep reading it?'

To find a script that works with provocative ideas is hard to find.

I read the script. If I like it, I would do anything I am asked to.

If the script is good, the cast and director good, I'll go anywhere.

A good film script should be able to do completely without dialogue.

I can now tell from the envelope whether or not it is a good script.

There's no such thing as easy, but it's easier when a script is good.

Rock is all about writing your own script; it's all about pioneering.

Anybody can write a film script 'cuz it has been reduced to a formula.

I dread shooting with animals. I hope I never get a script with snakes.

I don't sit around and study the pages of a script over and over again.

Give me a good script, and I'll be a hundred times better as a director.

A film is different than a script. The text of the script is what it is.

We would change out of costume, then we would read the next days script.

I was very happy sitting alone at a dining room table, writing a script.

When I got the script for 'Eclipse,' I thought it was a damn good story.

You can't make a good movie with a bad script, no matter who's involved.

The script determines the costumes. At least that is how I like to work.

I always get quite close to my script because I work quite hard on them.

Howard Minsky had gotten the script to her agent prior to my involvement.

If I ever wrote a script myself, it would be strongly emotional material.

Ultimately, however, the script an actor enlivens is someone else's words.

I don't worry too much about the script, I just ad lib, like Pearl Bailey.

I read a script and I know immediately whether that role is for me or not.

Oh I am trying to remember, we would read the script after we did the show.

The script of a play is not a finished product: It's a set of instructions.

If it's an excellent script, I enjoy it tremendously, the acting part of it.

If I'm on a roll, and I finish a script at 3:00, I'll start another at 3:02.

I've never envied the person who had to put my books together in one script.

Somebody wrote a script around us, but Dustin Abraham came with the best one.

If the script grabs me and appeals to me, I'm really very keen to work on it.

I'm sticking to the script, I'm putting that organic feeling back in the game.

Poetry is a phantom script telling how rainbows are made and why they go away.

Baseball ultimately is a drama without a script. It's the original reality TV.

There's the occasional script that just hammers you, that you can't shower off.

I'm always looking for a low-budget script with an interesting character to play.

I'm an optimist; I always hope that each new script is going to be a great story.

'Sabotage' was a work for hire. It wasn't my original idea or script or anything.

The problems I have with a flawed script are always revealed in the editing room.

I would love to do a Malayalam film if the right script and character comes along.

I do glamorous roles only when the script demands it and that too with limitations.

There's no harm in kissing scenes. I'm open to them as far as the script demands it.

I like to make all kinds of movies. I'd do 'Ocean's Thirteen' with the right script.

I wrote a script with my brother which ended up, somehow, on the Black List in 2008.

There was a time when I read a script and I just got excited about the possibilities.

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