We thought we'd write a good script for women, giving them the fun roles that generally men get.

I am not adding more films to my kitty just for the sake of money; I choose my script and do it.

A good script and a good brief from the director is enough to let me know what is expected of me.

There's one great script that hit my desk that I didn't change at all, and that was True Romance.

Script wise, the story of 'Eega' is universal. It's a simple story which everyone can understand.

So it was just funny to read a script that was just similar to what had been going on in my life.

My music is born from instinct. I react to situations a script may provide while creating a song.

My roots are in stand-up, and stand-up is very freeing. There's no script involved; you just fly.

I think it's incumbent on actresses to bring something else to the part which isn't in the script.

I've done about six comedies. Oddly enough, the script came to me from one of the guys in Platoon.

Often jobs are un-turndownable even before you read the script. You go, 'Well, I have to do that.'

When I got the script for Memento, I read it and I got killed off on page one and I fired my agent.

Dave Chappelle asked me to come do his show. I read the script, and I said, 'Has he lost his mind?'

I was out to have a good time and have some fun. It's a fun script and fun people are in the movie.

Every time I try to retire, or even think of retiring from acting, my agent comes up with a script.

I think sequels should be earned and we won't do it unless the script is better than the first one.

I'd love to be involved in the process of adapting a book to a script, but that's simply not my job.

With a film, you have to pare down and take stuff out and squish it all down into a 110 page script.

If you just want ten songs to fit somebody else's script, then I'm not really the composer for that.

I don't really get into a big intellectual analysis of why I am going to do a certain script or not.

A script can just be a blueprint, and you've got to go in and build it and color it in and paint it.

I haven't heard anything about a reunion show for Sisters. But if the script was good I would do it.

The approach I take in selecting a script is based on what I fancy from the the scripts I'm offered.

It's very different when you're reading a script to when you're watching a movie for the first time.

It's very rare you get a great script just handed to you, or sent to you, by someone you don't know.

I'm a sucker for a funny script. And then, as soon as I don't wanna be, one comes along and grabs me.

Together with script writers Sid Green and Dick Hills, we worked on the comedy ideas for this series.

The key is, if you're not monkeying around with the script, then everything usually goes pretty well.

If I could have written a script of how I wanted my career to be, I couldn't have done it any better.

I think that my script, if it gets used, would be great. But if it doesn't, I think it inspired them.

I am going to have to stick to the script. If I muck around with the words it will defeat the object.

Dhobi Ghat' is the only script I actually completed and that I was convinced about wanting to direct.

'Argo' was a great script from day one. I don't think we knew that it was going to be such a success.

You read a script and its based on 'Reservoir Dogs' and 'Pulp Fiction', and it goes right in the bin.

I regret not doing a film that I was offered with Clark Gable because the script was not good enough.

But if you put a script up in front of me to read, or a cue card, I couldn't do it without stuttering.

I'm doing a Dylan Thomas film, Map of Love, with Mick Jagger producing again. It's a wonderful script.

Whereas with Sirk, everything is always filmed. No matter what the script, he's always a real director.

I think it helps, as an actor, to never know when you're going to get that next script and you're done.

I would consider doing any part as long as the script is good and the film has an interesting director.

Finally, when the money was high enough, the script suddenly revealed itself as being very clear to me.

'Liberace's a great film. It's a great piece of material. I have a great script and it's a great score.

My task is to find the authenticity in the character. I tend to go with the script and tell that story.

Triple tonguing? It was sort of invented. It wasn't in the script. It was something that I came up with.

There is no sense in doing a wonderful script with somebody who can't direct because that is a disaster.

Now I'm doing a film festival for kids and writing a script about a kidnapped journalist in Afghanistan.

Every script I've written and every series I've produced have expressed the things I most deeply believe.

But you're not necessarily ever going to be handed a script where you can say: it's all done and perfect.

During long car rides to the set, after I study my script, I go onto my iPad to read books and play games.

Anyone can write. But comedy, you've got to do some writing. You get one comedy script to every 20 dramas.

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