I don't like scripts.

Good scripts are hard to find.

Scripts don't get movies made.

I choose films based on scripts.

I don't have a stack of scripts.

Life is like a B-picture script.

There aren't enough good scripts.

I don't have a stack of scripts...

Every film starts with the script.

I tend to look for a great script.

My heart truly lies in good scripts.

I just want to work on good scripts.

Personally, I read a lot of scripts.

I always write the script by myself.

A script is like a theory of a movie.

My scripts are possibly too talkative.

Sometimes reading scripts is terrible.

And I sit in my jacuzzi with my script.

I'm lucky; people write scripts for me.

How can I change me to suit the script?

The most important thing is the script.

I'm not very good when I'm given scripts.

I can't remember what my first script was.

Well, I love TV, and I love a good script.

I learn the whole script before I show up.

Most scripts are bad. I read a lot of them.

I've written plenty of scripts that sucked.

I don't look at scripts. I just write them.

I get so excited about reading a new script.

I don't get a lot of romantic comedy scripts.

I am very selective when it comes to scripts.

You stick to the script, the script is Bible.

My mum reads every script before I go for it.

I'd love to work on a script in collaboration.

I do try and keep my scripts quite economical.

There are no great scripts - just great films.

If it's a terrible script, it's a terrible bore.

It doesn't help anybody to put out a bad script.

I've never committed to a role without a script.

I am here to act only in films with good script.

You don't improvise with a Cameron Crowe script.

The past is a script we are constantly rewriting.

It is easier to port a shell than a shell script.

I'm a big believer that the script is your bible.

I always pick what I consider to be good scripts.

My dad reads the scripts and passes them on to me.

When you read a script, you get a feeling from it.

All the films I do, I write the scripts, I direct.

I'm always attracted to bold, risk-taking scripts.

Some scripts you feel like everything is precious.

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