Facial scrubs are always good.

I did a musical episode of 'Scrubs.'

I love a good scrub, especially on my face.

I love 'Scrubs.' It's the best day job in the world.

I am not a big facial person. But I do love a body scrub.

My idea of superwoman is someone who scrubs her own floors.

I don't think I'm beautiful. I just think I can scrub up OK.

My advice is don't scrub your makeup off your eyes; be gentle.

Olive oil mixed with raw sugar makes for an excellent lip scrub.

I am an absolute clean freak and scrub things constantly; I am an over-perfectionist.

Before I scrub and exfoliate, I like to cleanse my face with the Tatcha cleansing oil.

Resume? I wish I had a resume. And if I did, I wouldn't scrub anything from it. Who cares?

Graffiti's always been a temporary art form. You make your mark and then they scrub it off.

This isn't just 'Scrubs' with new actors. 'Cougar Town' has a heart to it that's all its own.

I don't usually get to play sophisticated women. I usually do the old scrubs, chavs or slappers.

I use an acne cleanser. I've always had that St. Ives apricot scrub. But I have bad skin sometimes.

Usman's a scrub, man. He's not relevant. No one cares about him. People don't want to see him fight.

Did you know you're supposed to soap and scrub for as long as it takes to sing 'Happy Birthday' twice?

I know how to do music, no matter how weird I look on stage with the face paint, mask, and hospital scrubs.

They have barricades at our gigs - to keep people in. We do most of the songs from 'Scrubs' over 55 minutes.

Until 'Scrubs,' I didn't have a business manager. I learned everything on my own - and I learned the hard way.

We figure we'd like to be known as The Blanks eventually, but for most people it is 'Ted's Band from 'Scrubs.''

I know I always look like the evil one bossing the band around in 'Scrubs' - well, I'm the same in real life too.

It's a lot of scrubbing of my lips every day. I make my own lip scrubs at home with coffee grinds and coconut oil.

I love to make scrubs at home. My favorite is a mixture of brown sugar and coconut oil. So simple yet so effective!

If I had a dollar for every guy that came up to me to say, 'I'm not a scrub,' oh my God, I'd have a billion dollars.

I treat myself to facials now, but even when I couldn't afford to do that, I'd get scrubs and masks from the drugstore.

It's like miners' coal dust underneath your fingernails. Very difficult to scrub out. I'm a social democrat to my fingertips.

I would love to have a photographic memory. It would come in handy with the rants I'm given on Scrubs... often on short notice!

I like to scrub everything down because I've usually got so much makeup and body makeup and products on. I have to shower every day.

I married a man who isn't afraid to wash a dish, scrub a toilet, or have his unibrow waxed into submission by a licensed professional.

Something as unique as 'Scrubs' is a tough act to follow. It's hard to find something that good that you want to really make a commitment to.

Begin challenging your assumptions. Your assumptions are the windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in awhile or the light won't come in.

I love to be in my bathroom with my candles lit, morning, noon and night. I like taking hot baths and hot showers, using my body scrubs and lotions.

Heart means something, especially in Gotham City, where the only thing worse than a scrub is someone devoid of that thumping sound inside the chest.

Look, the term 'high-profile relationship' for us is laughable because we are probably the biggest scrubs when it comes to the way we live our lives.

Begin challenging your own assumptions. Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in while, or the light won't come in.

I think NBC got a little reluctant to get behind single-camera shows after 'Scrubs' didn't do what they thought it was going to do following 'Friends.'

On 'Scrubs,' I played a very unusual character who pretty much was defined by saying and doing strange things, so it was easy to improvise around that.

I go home and stay there. I wash and scrub up each day, and that's it. One month I actually grew a moustache, just so I could say that I'd done something.

In the morning when I wake up, I'll exfoliate. Then at night when I shower, I'll also use an exfoliating scrub. My routine is easy, and I just get clean skin.

My secret weapon is baking soda. It's a great natural exfoliator; you can put it in the shower and scrub down your body, and you can even use it on your teeth.

The funny thing that still cracks me up is when you get a grown man coming up to you shaking asking for a picture. I'm like 'Dude, you know I'm a scrub, right?'

This world has a way of trying to homogenize you. Trying to sanitize you. Trying to scrub you of your unique divine genius. This world wants to make you regular.

When we shoot 'Scrubs' I spend every waking hour of my life in an abandoned and haunted hospital. All I can date there are ghosts and they tend to be horrible snugglers.

I thought it was going to take a lot more countdowns on the pad. We actually did scrub once, but I figured we'd scrub several times since it's a pretty complicated vehicle.

I did love 'Dirty Sexy Money' quite a lot. I loved my tenure at 'Scrubs' quite a lot. 'ER' might have been my favorite guest star thing. 'We Were Soldiers' meant a lot to me.

I sleep five or six hours a night, then crash at the weekend. I'm learning to eat properly and exercise. I relax by watching silly sitcoms like 'Scrubs' and 'How I Met Your Mother.'

'Community' is a great show. I love 'Raising Hope' with Martha Plimpton. And I love 'The Middle' - another Chicagoan in there is Neil Flynn, who used to play the janitor in 'Scrubs.'

Hopefully after a year or two of touring around eventually we'll just be The Blanks. We do pretty much everything we do on 'Scrubs' in our show, but it's not presented as Ted's Band.

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