I look really good in a scuba suit.

Mood has a scuba section? Who knew?

I'm a scuba diver but not certified.

I love skiing, scuba diving and hang-gliding.

I sail, scuba dive, play football, basketball.

My favourite thing to do on this planet is to scuba dive.

I love scuba diving, and I've been up and down the Amazon.

If you ever get a chance to learn how to scuba dive, go do it.

I took up scuba diving, and my next big thing is BASE jumping.

Hiking, scuba diving - I just love getting out and doing things.

I ski, I surf, I scuba dive... any sport that starts with an 's.'

I learned how to scuba dive, which is something that I've always wanted to do.

I try to swim every damn day I can, and I've learned to scuba dive and snorkel.

I always wanted to scuba dive. I used to scuba dive undercover like black Aquaman.

I am so scared of the sea, so what did I do? Learned to scuba in the Great Barrier Reef.

I'm a person with a lot of affection for adventure - I scuba dive, skydive, fly helicopters.

We scuba dived in the Red Sea, the Pacific and the Indian oceans. We lived in Bali and India.

The Gili Islands gave me some of my best scuba diving experiences, including tons of turtles.

I've been a scuba diver since I was 16 and I think that was one of the reasons they chose me.

I do an awful lot of scuba diving. I love to be on the ocean, under the ocean. I live next to the ocean.

I was training more learning how to scuba dive which I'd never done which was really, really, really cool.

I remember going to my school careers advisor and asked about jobs that required scuba divers. It was a phase.

I'm a big outdoorsman... I'm a big hunter. Avid fisherman. Hiker. Climber. Scuba diver. Skier. Love the outdoors.

When you freefall for 7,000 feet it doesn't feel like you're falling: it feels like you're floating, a bit like scuba diving.

Every time you dive, you hope you'll see something new - some new species. Sometimes the ocean gives you a gift, sometimes it doesn't.

I just learned how to scuba dive. I'd been scared to rely on one little air hose for oxygen, but swimming with all those fish is exhilarating.

I want to do things - scuba diving, sky diving, seeing the world. I'm an avid supporter of living life to its fullest and not always waiting for tomorrow.

I enjoy challenging myself to try new things, going outdoors, scuba diving, running a marathon. Anything that I have never done before, I enjoy trying it out.

In the Maldives, I tried scuba diving, which was an experience of a lifetime. Also, I had various kinds of lobsters, which I'd probably never get to eat again.

If I have a Sunday free, I'll go up the coast and spend some time on the beach. I scuba dive and swim and sail. A lot of the things I like are around the water.

As every scuba diver knows, panic is your worst enemy: when it hits, your mind starts to thrash and you are likely to do something really stupid and self-destructive.

I made that decision back in 1985. I was out here getting certified in SCUBA with Garcia in Kona and I thought to myself, this is a place to wake up in in the morning.

MMA makes you sore and tired every day. I wonder what we're going to be like when we're 50 or 60. I wake up some mornings and just say, 'Oh, God.' And then I go scuba diving.

When I was younger I dreamt of intrepid travel and whenever I had some time off I wanted to scuba dive. Nowadays I'm a bit more relaxed but I'd still like to do an Amazonian trek.

When I was 16 years old, I went scuba diving in Greece and saw more plastic bags than fish. I wondered why we couldn't just clean it up. That rather simple question stuck in my head.

One of the great things about stargazing is that it's immediately at hand for so many people. You know, you could get into scuba diving or bird watching, but the stars are always up there.

The military has a way of ruining all the best recreational activities - scuba, sky diving, camping, hiking - all made much more miserable with a heavy rucksack on your back under arduous conditions.

Scuba Blue offers a feeling of escape as it is reminiscent of a tropical ocean. This stirring and energizing shade takes us off to an exotic paradise that is pleasant and inviting, even if only a fantasy.

I've always loved scuba diving and the cell-tickling feel of being underwater, though it poses unique frustrations. Alone, but with others, you may share the same sights and feelings, but you can't communicate well.

You have to scuba dive in the Alexandrian harbor if you want to see what remains of the lighthouse of Cleopatra's day, and the water in the Alexandrian harbor is not really something you want to come into contact with.

I finally became a scuba diver at age 15 or so, and a couple of years after that, I attended a dive show that is held every year in Boston. It's the oldest one in the world and it's still going on - it's called the Sea Rovers.

I've been painting and drawing fish since I was very young. My mom found old pictures I did when I was around 6 or 7 of all these sharks and scuba diver looking back, a big ship, throwing a harpoon. There was already a message within what I saw.

I have swung on a flying trapeze, explored a glacier, and been hit in the face by a shark's tail while scuba diving. I like to throw myself fully into projects and adventures, which is probably how I managed to publish a book in the first place.

My dad was a theatrical guy. He wore a scuba suit one time because he said so-and-so was in the tank with the mayor. He didn't really care what people thought, so he was able to put himself out there. He didn't have a lot of shame, in a good way.

I can mention many moments that were unforgettable and revelatory. But the most single revelatory three minutes was the first time I put on scuba gear and dived on a coral reef. It's just the unbelievable fact that you can move in three dimensions.

Successful technologies often begin as hobbies. Jacques Cousteau invented scuba diving because he enjoyed exploring caves. The Wright brothers invented flying as a relief from the monotony of their normal business of selling and repairing bicycles.

I love to travel with my family or my two best friends because I completely trust them. I forced my two best friends into learning to scuba dive with me in Sri Lanka - it was amazing but also hideous because we were learning in very difficult seas.

If I didn't travel so much, maybe my perfect Sunday would be skin diving on a coral reef - not scuba diving, as skin diving is more physical, and I prefer the lightness of it. Skin diving means wearing just goggles. Oh, I could wear some trunks, maybe.

There is a lot of stuff I like. I love backpacking. I love going to an island where I can just sit on the beach and read or scuba dive and sail. I do a lot of that. I still go backpacking around Europe in the summers and staying in hostels. I love that.

For my new book 'Pirate Hunters', I follow John Chatterton and John Mattera, two world-class scuba divers, who teach themselves to think and act as pirates while searching for what would be only the second pirate ship ever found and positively identified.

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