Art is nothing if you don't reach every segment of the people.

We covered every major segment of this broadband communications world.

In life, you always look at the total picture, not just a segment of it.

It's a controversial segment, 'Watters World.' There's controversy around it.

Computing is a big segment. It's more than just mobile devices or PCs and laptops.

Everybody has a dream of being the most impactful company in their segment worldwide.

Profiling any segment of society and viewing them as a threat is a sign of intolerance.

I believe that we have not yet played out full competitiveness in the notchback segment.

We want to be more relevant to the fastest-growing segment of the population - Hispanics.

The premium single-cup segment is the fastest-growing business within the global coffee industry.

Lip Service' was initially a segment. It was so popular that Sirius wanted to make it its own show.

In the theater, it's about taking time in a musical segment, a pause in a musical way and then moving on.

Big Data is neither color-blind nor gender-blind. We can see how it is used in marketing to segment people.

I love the women's movement, and I never thought of it as belonging to any particular segment of the population.

With social media, one can target the audience and reach out to the segment in a very precise, cost-effective manner.

A novel that does not uncover a hitherto unknown segment of existence is immoral. Knowledge is the novel's only morality.

There is a segment of the American population that has been excluded from the national myth, and that should be redressed.

You know, in each segment of ex-Yugoslavia, multi-ethnic life is lost, except I think we somehow still have this in Serbia.

Television is just one more facet of that considerable segment of our society that never had any standard but the soft buck.

Women in Africa are really the pillar of the society, are the most productive segment of society, actually. They do agriculture.

My well-discussed 'paranoia' urges me to believe that some tiny segment of the NSA's parsing algorithm is finely tuned to my voice.

Latinas are the fastest growing segment of the minority population, and their perspective deserves to be represented, not denigrated.

Italy is famous for fashion, food, Ferrari, and furniture - furniture was a segment where the companies in the high end are all small.

The Microfinance segment is a challenging client servicing space and thus requires a great amount of dedication, integrity and teamwork.

In 2003, I almost died of an intestinal blockage when I was on a mountain in Chile, filming a segment for 'Scientific American Frontiers.'

I think it's certainly important that we don't have symbols in our society that are offensive to a segment and that arouse racial division.

We looked at the customer segment that we want to go after, the Millennials, which everybody wants to go after. They are not buying linear TV.

Everyone has bad matches or bad segments into their careers, if you get through it, you know there is going to be another segment another day.

'Culture' is a finite segment of the meaningless infinity of the world process, a segment on which human beings confer meaning and significance.

Appropriate assessments are a crucial part of effectively educating students. But they only measure a narrow segment of what kids need to learn.

Language can only deal meaningfully with a special, restricted segment of reality. The rest, and it is presumably the much larger part, is silence.

Reaching out to Hispanics is critical to our future. The fastest-growing, and most conservative, segment of the population are natural Republicans.

We build OYO with basis of building a team which is not just great for our segment, but we possibly have the best team any start-up can possibly have.

I think that Rand Paul represents a segment of the GOP, just like his father. And I think he is trying to expand that, intelligently, to make it larger.

The biggest segment of our audience is 18 to 34, and, believe it or not, they still speak Spanish, and they still watch novellas and soccer games and news.

Republican politics have been off-kilter for several years now because a large segment of the conservative base does not look back fondly on the Bush presidency.

There is a segment of people who like me and I am very happy to get the love and support from them. There is some segment which doesn't like me and that is okay.

But when they offered this little situation for me to do this voice in this special segment, I found it so incredibly humorous that I said yes, and I enjoyed it. It was fun.

It turns out that people - in every country in the world, there's a segment of buyer that wants the best product and the best experience. And that's what we're about providing.

We sold OkCupid to Match in January of 2011. In September of 2012, I became CEO of all of Match, which is the operating segment of IAC that contains all of the dating properties.

I saw a segment of Douglas Trumbull's special effects for 'Blade Runner' on the KNBC-TV news. I recognized it immediately. It was my own interior world. They caught it perfectly.

My mother still has a three-step system to eating candy corn. First she eats the white tip, then the orange middle, then the yellow end. She swears each segment tastes different.

I do wait in line, and I do take the subway, and I do my own grocery shopping, and I do take the kids to school. But it almost doesn't matter to a certain segment of the populace.

The wireless segment is approximately 50 percent of our business... we believe this is an industry-wide phenomenon and that we are, in fact, maintaining if not gaining market share.

I love the way this sport has evolved and impacted every segment of society. Now you have cross training and weight training in every sport and from middle school kids to senior citizens.

Almost every day I wrap up my two-hour live broadcast and I say to myself as I'm driving home, 'I wish I would've done this' or 'We really should have gone live longer with this segment.'

I spent a lot of my time working in the American module, and he would stay in the Russian segment working on his things, and we'd meet up at meal times. So it actually worked out very well.

I liked Vittorio De Sica a lot, and I got to work with him once in a segment movie. He was a great director. He was a very charismatic character and a guy I watched a lot when he was directing.

I think the people who just stay in line fall into a segment of average drivers and I don't want to be average. I want to be different; I want to be unique for my driving style and my abilities.

On all open platforms, regardless of whether it's Facebook or the Apple App Store, the largest segment is entertainment and games. It's the largest revenue segment. And it's the same for Tencent.

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