Each religion, by the help of more or less myth, which it takes more ...

Each religion, by the help of more or less myth, which it takes more or less seriously, proposes some method of fortifying the human soul and enabling it to make its peace with its destiny.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

I take my craft very seriously.

I really take acting seriously.

I can't take anything seriously.

Don't take things too seriously.

I take friendship very seriously.

Life is not to be taken seriously.

I never took myself too seriously.

I never take myself too seriously.

Don't take everything so seriously.

We take our endorsements seriously.

I don't take anything too seriously.

I take being a hero really seriously.

I've never taken myself too seriously.

We do not take humor seriously enough.

I try not to take myself too seriously.

You mustn't take any award so seriously.

I take being an American very seriously.

I take my responsibilities very seriously.

I seriously do not think Nirvana is grunge.

I can't take a well-tanned person seriously.

Nobody in real life ever takes me seriously.

Take your work seriously, but never yourself.

I'm a liberal, but I'm not biased. Seriously.

Take your work seriously and yourself lightly.

The fact is that we take music very seriously.

I seriously love Cleveland. It's a great city.

I didn't take myself seriously for a long time.

I take all of my music seriously and personally.

Don't take things too seriously, and just chill.

I take my part in the food chain very seriously.

I am seriously opposed to censorship of any sort.

I'm a funny person, but I take my music seriously.

I have never taken myself that seriously as an actor.

I'm simply an accident. Why take it all so seriously?

People don't realise I have seriously bad blepharitis.

I always took things very seriously. Always have done.

I've always had a complex about being taken seriously.

To take my work seriously would be the height of folly.

Before I take an offer seriously, I do my own research.

I think cinema is taken a bit more seriously in France.

The European nations take climate change very seriously.

I am a dreamer. Seriously, I'm living on another planet.

You must learn to take life less seriously and to laugh.

I take the invasion of my personal space very seriously.

Once you take yourself too seriously the art will suffer.

I've never taken myself too seriously, I'm not into that.

If you want to be taken seriously, always check your fly.

I am a story teller and I take each story very seriously.

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