Our settlement of land is without regard to the best use of land.

Come English Settlement, I had it in my head that I didn't want to tour.

The BP settlement is good for Alabama, particularly Alabama's coastal region.

A compromise is a settlement by which each side gets what neither side wanted.

This is eventually how Syria will be resolved - through a political settlement.

Peace with Syria would provide more security than a few settlements on the Golan.

BP cannot undo a settlement it negotiated and signed just to avoid its consequences.

It's the perfect definition of a settlement. Both parties didn't get what they wanted.

Each colony became accustomed to planting new settlements and to claiming new boundaries.

Conrad Hilton was very generous in the divorce settlement. He gave me 5,000 Gideon Bibles.

For many of the world's conflicts, it is difficult even to conjure up a feasible settlement.

Conrad Hilton was very generous to me in the divorce settlement. He gave me 5000 Gideon Bibles.

It only confirms me in my belief that there is no Swaraj without a settlement with the Mussalmans.

There is nothing wrong with the name White Settlement, and the majority here is proud of the name.

Romance should never begin with sentiment. It should begin with science and end with a settlement.

In Hollywood, an equitable divorce settlement means each party getting fifty percent of publicity.

Preserving and protecting the state tobacco settlement funds is the nations Governors highest priority.

Preserving and protecting the state tobacco settlement funds is the nation's Governors highest priority.

The only treaties that ought to count are those which would effect a settlement between ulterior motives.

There are some common problems in the Balkans in the settlement of which Bulgaria should also participate.

If you'd asked me a few years ago about debt settlement companies, I probably would have told you to avoid them.

We must stop using the language of force and return to the path of civilized diplomatic and political settlement.

We must choose dialogue over confrontation, and peaceful settlement of disputes over unilateral acts of imposition.

From 1967, all the Israeli governments continued making two big mistakes: occupation and settlement in the territories.

People always assume I don't need to work for money, but my divorce settlement was not as much as it's always reported to be.

The settlement of the Land of Israel is the essence of Zionism. Without settlement, we will not fulfill Zionism. It's that simple.

We differ on several issues. And this may include settlement, the release of prisoners, the wall closing institutions in Jerusalem.

The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement, explain American development.

There can be no settlement of a great cause without discussion, and people will not discuss a cause until their attention is drawn to it.

From the ashes of a financial crash, there is a chance to create a new economic settlement that is more equal, sustainable and democratic.

We believe in peace in the settlement of all disputes through peaceful means, in the abolition of war, and, more particularly, nuclear war.

Most of the Israelis reside in settlement blocs which will be part of the state of Israel in the future, and they will remain in their homes.

The village of Polgardi is a dusty roadside settlement northeast of Lake Balaton, a resort area in western Hungary popular with German tourists.

For a time during the early settlement of this country peace and goodwill prevailed, only to be followed later by violent and relentless warfare.

It is time to declare that the goal of the United States in space is the settlement of the solar system, from low Earth orbit to the Moon and Mars.

In 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Homestead Act, a bill opening one half million square miles of territory in the western United States for settlement.

Digital Asset has a talented team and technology that is uniquely positioned to solve challenging settlement issues facing global financial institutions.

Financially speaking, I haven't ended my career in the best shape, and there are debts, as well as what is to come by way of a divorce settlement to Mandy.

I state in no uncertain terms: An order to uproot an Arab village or a Jewish settlement violates the most basic of human rights... It's a difficult dilemma.

It is our belief that nations should embrace dialogue and peaceful settlement of disputes instead of rushing to arms, for suffering and bloodshed will ensue.

Activists create nonprofits for the sole purpose of suing their enemies, collecting a settlement check, and paying lawyers to find the next frivolous lawsuit.

We should not mislead the Iraqis into thinking they have unlimited time to reach a settlement. The longer they think that, the less likely they will be to act.

The BP settlement is a victory for Alabama: not only for the amount of compensation we were able to secure, but also for avoiding many more years of litigation.

Do you agree that the European Union should be able to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary without the consent of parliament?

The density of settlement of economists over the whole empire of economic science is very uneven, with a few areas of modest size holding the bulk of the population.

We endorse Blue Origin and Jeff Bezos' vision of 'millions of people living and working in space' - this is the heart and soul of the NSS Roadmap to Space Settlement.

The U.S. should support the historic Gaza withdrawal as a first step toward a final settlement: a permanent Palestinian state in Gaza and nearly all of the West Bank.

People versed in politics need not be told that the devil is in the detail, and tough solutions implying the use of force cannot produce a lasting long-term settlement.

What my job is, is to get on with getting the process of democratic politics, back on the road, entrenching the peace settlement, and I ask you to judge me on my record.

The resolution has made a real threat of war go away and opens the way for further work in the interests of a political- diplomatic settlement of the situation around Iraq.

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