Shooting in New York is the shiznit, if I may be so bold. It was ...

Shooting in New York is the shiznit, if I may be so bold. It was great. New York is a character. People who live here know that.

And I love shooting football.

Farre shooting never kild bird.

Shooting is my principal pastime.

The sport of shooting is my life.

I love guns. I love shooting guns.

I hope I'm still shooting when I'm 80.

We are not shooting enough professors.

I'm at the halfway point of shooting .

When I'm shooting things, I'm training.

Serious sport is war minus the shooting.

This is my sadness for shooting my friend

When we're shooting, I'm in producer mode.

I am in Toronto, shooting a movie for NBC.

Most feature films are 35-40 shooting days.

I don't think anyone is pro-school shooting.

I'm a little shot that just kept on shooting.

Shooting a music video sometimes can be a job.

I'd rather be a shooting star than a fading star.

Shooting a movie isn't good for a sleep disorder.

I get very close to people when I'm shooting them.

When not shooting, I love to catch up on my sleep.

Big shots are only little shots who keep shooting.

Argentina has the best bird shooting in the world.

There's nothing wrong with shooting for the stars.

I don't want anybody shooting, but I can't stop it.

Nobody who was shooting dice wanted to get a dance.

You know, life is long. My shooting career is long.

You're often trying to fix a script by shooting it.

You know, life is long. My shooting career is long.

Rarely ever see or meet the writer during shooting.

I did buy an electric guitar while shooting 'Split.'

I get nervous when they start shooting piano players.

You keep shooting. You hope it goes in, and you smile.

Shooting is 99 per cent luck and one per cent training

I'm a tomboy. I love shooting guns and running around.

For me, shooting, editing, and scoring rely on rhythm.

Anyone who doesn't learn from Ian Rush needs shooting.

I'm vomiting days before I start shooting a new movie.

...genius is no proof against shooting one's own foot.

Each shooting day is a big challenge, but it's also fun.

Every moment shooting for 'Manam' has been very special.

I can still recall the thrill of shooting my first film.

Acting without thinking is like shooting without aiming.

Shooting all day in the rain is not where you want to be.

They are shooting The Thief Lord in Venice at the moment.

What I know is my music gets blamed for school shootings.

See, I don't want brothers shooting. I want them talking.

I'm shooting for longevity. The road is hard on your body.

Don't worry about the war. It's all over but the shooting.

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