I like short stories.

I've always written short stories.

Most of my short stories are fantasy.

I write short stories. I write every day.

I write short stories, and I wrote a play.

In college, I wrote maybe three short stories.

Short stories can make for really good adaptations.

Short stories and poems are an intense burst of emotions.

I've been writing short stories since I was a little girl.

Eventually, I just want to write wavy little short stories.

I got into writing short stories and blogs while on the road.

I decided to write short stories because they got rejected quicker.

Short stories are not maybe the biggest deal in our culture anymore.

I would say that all short stories have mystery naturally built into them.

My first five novels were written longhand. So were hosts of short stories.

I think all good short stories are about what it means to tell a good story.

It's tricky to take a book of short stories and turn it into a feature film.

I was writing and cartooning and writing short stories from grade school on.

I find that short stories are almost like palate cleansers or brain cleansers.

I would never have thought my collection of short stories would win the Giller.

I actually think that short stories transfer to film much better than novels do.

I only published my first novel at the age of 40. Till then, I wrote short stories.

The great pleasure for me in writing short stories is the fierce, elegant challenge.

Fiction came quite a while later. I began with short stories and fiction for children.

To be interested in short stories, you have to be interested in fiction as an art form.

I love short stories, but I've never had the impulse to write one. Same for ghost stories.

I didn't really start to write until I was almost 30, and I started with the short stories.

I want to write a script, but before that, I am planning to compile a book of short stories.

If you look at my last songs and first short stories, there is a real connection between them.

Once I started writing novels, I understood how hard it was to write really good short stories.

I have some other novels I want to write. I have a lot of short stories - I love the short story.

I've been into short stories ever since I read an Angela Carter collection when I was a teenager.

There's a joy in writing short stories, a wonderful sense of reward when you pull certain things off.

I am also working on a couple of short stories for anthologies. This is new to me and I'm enjoying it.

My favorite short stories are by Alice Munro, especially her collections 'Carried Away' and 'Runaway.'

With both novels and short stories, I think a lot in terms of character arcs, when it comes to endings.

Many of my short stories (all unpublished) were horror, and the novel I'd just finished was horror, too.

I'm very interested in writing - it just takes so much discipline, whether it's short stories or novels.

I write as a matter of need - seven books and God knows how many short stories before anyone published me.

I'm mostly a novelist these days, but I have written short stories in Fantasy, Science Fiction and horror.

I still read Hemingway. I still read his short stories because they're so good. He doesn't waste any words.

I know now why I stopped writing short stories. It was at the point when I recognised how difficult they were.

Alice Munro is a particular kind of short story writer in that she writes long, character-driven short stories.

There are some short stories in R. Crumb comics that are just wonderful and touch me in ways no other comics do.

I started writing about New York as soon as I arrived. I was 19. I used to write short stories and send them out.

I feel a bigger sense of fulfillment when writing a novel, and short stories are more about instant gratification.

You want to hear an agent scream, say, 'I'm thinking about doing a collection of short stories set in the Ozarks.'

In the early 2000s, I started selling some short stories to horror markets. I joined the Horror Writers Association.

I consider myself a writer. I don't favour any type of writing. I sometimes wish short stories came more easily to me.

I like the eclipses, the synaptic jumps of short stories. The reader has to participate very actively in the experience.

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