I've got a small gym in my house so I can work my arms and shoulders.

I'm always looking over my shoulder, needing to stay ahead of the game.

I had a chip on my shoulders 'cause I felt like I was being overlooked.

I’m a guy who doesn’t dwell on stuff. I let things roll off my shoulders.

I have a metal plate in my head, and can pop my shoulder and pop it back.

I was supposed to be on the Tonight Show but I broke my shoulder instead.

at least i'm talkng to myself. instead of giving myself the cold shoulder

Canada doesn’t stand behind Israel; we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with it.

The weight of the world on my shoulders was something that I had to let go.

As I go about my work as Premier, I know I stand on the shoulders of giants.

I had hair down to my shoulders, a beard and mustache. I was crude and rude.

I'm somebody that has a very big competitive edge and a chip on my shoulder.

Hand that on parting squeezes your shoulder, salutes the small of your back.

One seldom recognizes the devil when he is putting his hand on your shoulder.

He lifted the violin to his shoulder then, and raised the bow. And he played.

Big problems don't rest on the shoulders of government or corporations alone.

I'm feeling incredibly Botox-tempted as my face collapses around my shoulders.

From the evening breeze to this hand on my shoulder, everything has its truth.

I've surrounded myself with good people, so that keeps my head on my shoulders.

In badminton, they use a lot from the wrist. But I use a lot from the shoulder.

We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they.

The devil on my right shoulder must have brutally strangled the angel on my left.

And to bring in a new word by the head and shoulders, they leave out the old one.

Howdy. I'm gonna separate your head from your shoulders. Hope you don't mind none.

It is not hoary hairs that bring wisdom; some have an old head on young shoulders.

I really had a chip on my shoulder, ... and it still comes out every now and then.

The shoulders of a borrower are always a little straighter than those of a beggar.

All the time, there was the weight of my community's expectations on my shoulders.

Men are only clever at shifting blame from their own shoulders to those of others.

A dwarf standing on the shoulders of a giant may see farther than a giant himself.

Spike Lee's been doing it for a long time now. We're all standing on his shoulders.

Good entrepreneurs have a chip on their shoulders. They are out to prove something.

If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.

I've got a lot on my shoulders, but I've got the most beautiful family in the world.

I'm here instead of having shoulder surgery. But I'm not sure which is more painful.

Football is a game played with arms, legs and shoulders but mostly from the neck up.

The dwarf sees farther than the giant, when he has the giant's shoulders to mount on.

Eric Clapton always wanted to come out onstage with a stuffed parrot on his shoulder.

I've always had that chip on my shoulder. I've just always been super hard on myself.

I was always suspicious and looking over my shoulder because that's how I was raised.

I'm more muscular than I was in my younger days. My biceps and shoulders, especially.

...nothing momentous comes in this world unless it comes on the shoulders of kindness.

Let it go. Let it roll right off your shoulder. Don't you know the hardest part is over?

It's pretty much, having everything on your shoulder versus depending on an entire team.

It's just that as a solo artist, I have more burden and responsibilities on my shoulders.

If God had meant them to be lifted and separated, He would have put one on each shoulder.

The planet is full and we will be rubbing shoulders forever. There is nowhere else to go.

Success is often built on the shoulders of failure - from which new configurations emerge.

After all, where can the glorious, the goofy, and the god-like stand shoulder to shoulder?

A blogger is constantly looking over his shoulder, for fear that he is not being followed.

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