I hate show business.

Show business is my life.

Government is not show business.

Show business people aren't vapid.

That's my business, show business.

I have this mistress: show business.

Rumours are a part of show business.

I believe I made it in show business.

My home has always been show business.

There's no business like show business.

Show business got really tainted for me.

It's show business. No show, no business.

There is more to life than show business.

That's part of show business: the moving.

Show business is what I do, not what I am.

Politics is show business for ugly people.

Show business is all I know, but I love it.

A band is not a democracy: It's show business.

Politics is just show business for ugly people.

People who go into show business are screwed up.

In show business, you get chewed up and spit out.

I wanted to be in show business, and I was funny.

Imitation is the sincerest form of show business.

But this is called show business, not show family.

That's what show business is, sincere insincerity.

I grew up thinking of show business as a business.

In show business, everyone loves a comeback story.

If I lose show business - I'll really be an orphan!

Is it hard to make a living in show business? Yeah.

Sitcoms are what got me excited about show business.

You can laugh at me, but I understand show business.

Show business is, essentially, a fear-based industry.

It's also show business. It's not "show fun friends".

Ask Mother for advice on breaking into show business.

Business is constantly changing, constantly evolving.

I only got into show business because I quit football.

I came from a real working-class show business family.

I've always learned in show business: you take the job.

Show business is the best possible therapy for remorse.

I'm celebrating my 40th year in show business this year.

By 11th grade, I was in show business as a professional.

I stayed in show business to pay for my animal business.

In show business, more showgirls are kept than promises.

In my opinion, life is more important than show business.

Show business is and has always been a depraved carnival.

Show business offers more solid promises than Catholicism.

The radio is not show fun, it's show business. It's money.

You can't be a kid in show business. You will not survive.

You've got to know business before you go to show business.

Spontaneity is such an entertaining facet of show business.

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