Hospitality exists when you believe that the other person is on your side.

Washington, D.C. is not on the side of mainstream and main street America.

It's not like I'm afraid of dying. I know what it's like on the other side.

There's always something suspect about an intellectual on the winning side.

It's fair to say that I have a side that is prudent and a side that is not.

I identify with women more than men. I guess I have a strong feminine side.

Hear one side and you will be in the dark. Hear both and all will be clear.

I could never imagine ever in my life that I'd be on the side of The Louvre.

On the playing side, a lot of guys I played under were pretty good managers.

Tip the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles.

A mirror reflects what you see, and a black mirror shows the dark side of it.

I'm not so much into the beats. I'm more into the spiritual side of the music.

The aggressive side of me comes across in my music, but I'm just a sweet girl.

The Italian side of my family were gypsies, and we are little hard so-and-sos.

Every aspect of human technology has a dark side, including the bow and arrow.

I've learned over the years that freedom is just the other side of discipline.

No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men.

My mother's side of the family, they're from Montserrat in the Leeward Islands.

I've always felt like a guy where the grass is greener on my side of the fence.

I'm thankful to be breathing, on this side of the grass. Whatever comes, comes.

Seeing the funny side of life is useful, and I've always had a sense of humour.

As you know, God is usually on the side of the big squadrons against the small.

Enraging liberals is simply one of the more enjoyable side effects of my wisdom.

I'm a black lady from the Lower East Side of New York. Not a lot intimidates me.

Your whole life is on the other side of the glass. And there is nobody watching.

Design our world so that we have positive social and environmental side effects.

It takes no more time to see the good side of life than it takes to see the bad.

At the end of the day, you have a side of the story that needs to be heard, too.

I want to give people a taste of the Caribbean, and show them the fun side of me.

The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on.

If you're playing against an aggressive side, you need to play an aggressive game.

People are terrified for their own reputations. They want the press on their side.

They say stay in the lines, but there's always something better on the other side.

Everything that came to me, in terms of the ritzier side of performing, was a plus.

RuPaul has a very playful outlook on the world. He always looks on the bright side.

The whole art of war consists of guessing at what is on the other side of the hill.

I was a peripheral visionary. I could see the future, but only way off to the side.

I would never write stories with only despair and defeat and the dark side of life.

When you grow up on the other side of the tracks, you're used to taking a few bumps.

I have always wanted to tell my story - or, more to the point, my side of the story.

Bodybuilding is not my main objective in life. It's just something I do on the side.

You always see a better side of where you're visiting when a local shows you around.

You can't have a good Thanksgiving meal without a little bit of ketchup on the side.

They say baseball's a game of failure. Well, that's only true on the offensive side.

I've never turned over a fig leaf yet that didn't have a price tag on the other side.

I always go with a classic hair look - sleek and to the side - for election coverage.

I've always been attracted to the gayish side of fashion. It's just more interesting.

I always want to go darker, and I'm always being advised to stay on the lighter side.

Even people on the liberal side are starting to worry about going off a fiscal cliff.

The hacker mindset doesn't actually see what happens on the other side, to the victim.

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