I'm a very simple person.

I think that being a simple person suits me.

I'm a very simple person. I don't use computers.

I'm actually a very simple person. A very normal man.

I am a very simple person in real life and I enjoy what I do.

I'm quite a simple person really; I love pottering about, walking and swimming.

I'm a very simple person. I'm very shallow. Shallow, simple, easily pleased: that's me.

I am not a politician. I am just a simple person who has come to break down this system.

I'm a real simple person. I believe that the Bible means what it says, and says what it means.

I am a simple person; I come from a very simple home. We believe in enjoying life and what we have.

I am a simple person, I try to do my best on the pitch and do nothing wrong both on and off the pitch.

I don't go to malls. I've just always been a simple person. I hang out, work out. That's what I think is fun.

I am a simple person and a big fan of Indian cuisine, so whenever I am home, I prefer to eat the simple daal roti.

I always wanted my partner to be a simple person. She can do what she wants, wear what she wants, work wherever she wants.

I think the legacy is really the company that we built. That's what makes me happy. I'm a very simple person, so that's all I really need.

I am not at all interested in theories about cinema. I am only interested in images and people and sound. I am really a very simple person.

He's an innocent in a lot of ways. He's a very simple person who really doesn't have the resources or the strength, ultimately, to handle the situation.

The father's greatest folly is that he believes he can be a much more simple person than he is; he is not really able to deal with his own complexity as a human being.

I am from Des Moines, Iowa - not even the city but out in the country. I don't have a lot of trappings, I think, in my personality. I'm just a simple person with a silly bone.

I became a very simple person. The simple things are the most precious to me. I don't ascribe much significance to the things I have now. That feeling of touching death has never left me.

Even though people may be well known, they hold in their hearts the emotions of a simple person for the moments that are the most important of those we know on earth: birth, marriage and death.

To be honest, I am a really simple person, and most of my friends are not from the industry. I am most comfortable with them. They don't treat me as an actor, and neither would they tolerate me behaving like one.

That's what happens in Hollywood. People are like, 'I want to hate you, because everyone else seems to love you.' But the reality is this: I'm a simple person who's not interested in attention and who just wants to go about her business.

I'm so bad at dancing that I've actually been in two movies where the director of the film saw me dancing and thought it was so funny that in one movie they had me do it as the mental dancing of a real simple person. The other one was, like, to-be-laughed-at dancing. That's how bad my dancing is.

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