Lists simplify, clarify, edify.

When things go wrong, simplify.

My goal is to simplify complexity.

Three Tips: Simplify, Simplify, Simplify.

I try to simplify things for the children.

Intelligence complicates. Wisdom simplifies.

The more one knows, the more one simplifies.

As time passes, we like to simplify our lives.

To complicate is easy. To simplify is difficult

Art is art. Everything else is everything else.

The more I simplify my life, the happier I feel.

Marriage simplifies life and complicates the day.

Sex complicates, but it is the power of love to simplify.

Remember me when I am dead and simplify me when I'm dead.

Our life is frittered away by detail... simplify, simplify.

You cannot simplify love by cutting away all but its essence.

Segmenting your sample is one of the easiest ways to simplify.

Do not promote what you can't explain, simplify, and prove early.

I'm trying to simplify my life, I guess that's my latest project.

Man must learn to simplify, but not to the point of falsification.

Left to themselves, people will elaborate, not simplify solutions.

You may well have to simplify to live the life God is inviting you to live.

Overload 'em with information an' they'll kill yeh jus' to simplify things.

I suppose if you simplify things, it's going to make it easier to understand.

To innovate does not necessarily mean to expand; very often it means to simplify.

True consecration to Christ simplifies life, for it leaves the management to Him.

Focusing on your values may provide you with meaning, but it won't simplify things.

You want a better life? Simplify your life! Throw all the complexities from your life!

The hardest thing in the world is to simplify your life; it’s so easy to make it complex.

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.

You need to simplify the value proposition in the company's metrics for success on a whiteboard.

Life is complicated, and art has the right to be complicated, too. I don't like films that simplify.

Issues are never simple. One thing I'm proud of is that very rarely will you hear me simplify the issues.

Both individuals and societies tell themselves stories to simplify and make sense of the messy chaos of reality.

My goal is to simplify complexity. I just want to build stuff that really simplifies our base human interaction.

Architects have made architecture too complex. We need to simplify it and use a language that everyone can understand.

Everyone has complicated lives, but the more you can simplify it and make it work for you, the better it is going to be.

Meditation simplifies us, simplifies us to the point where we can receive the fullness of truth and the fullness of love.

We make life difficult, and then we try to solve it. My methodology is to simplify things and share them with life examples.

When you go into samadhi, either salvikalpa or nirvikalpa, what happens is you erase, you loosen, the aggregates. You simplify them.

In the novel, I can change things and simplify, and make events work towards whatever meanings I'm trying to get at more efficiently.

In a complex and troubling world, who wouldn't want to simplify? Everybody does. Everybody wants to simplify and put up a picket fence.

In the beginning we must simplify the subject, thus unavoidably falsifying it, and later we must sophisticate away the falsely simple beginning.

The whole object of science is to synthesize, and so simplify; and did we but know the uttermost of a subject we could make it singularly clear.

Would it not be better to simplify the system of taxation rather than to spread it over such a variety of subjects and pass through so many new hands.

As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.

The architect should strive continually to simplify; the ensemble of the rooms should then be carefully considered that comfort and utility may go hand in hand with beauty.

Design should be easy in the sense that every step should be obviously and clearly identifiable. Simplify elements to make change simple so you can manage the technical risk.

The whole idea of a stereotype is to simplify. Instead of going through the problem of all this great diversity - that it's this or maybe that - you have just one large statement; it is this.

My mind was always very cluttered, so I took great pains to simplify my environment, because if my environment were half as cluttered as my mind, I wouldn't be able to make it from room to room.

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