Success is work hard and give 100% every single day because it will leave as quickly as it came.

I do like reality TV like 'The Voice.' I enjoyed working there every single day. It was amazing.

I've kind of been doubted my whole life. I use that as fuel to continue to push every single day.

I live country songs every single day of my life, so thank goodness I decided that was my passion!

I wouldn't change what I do for the world - every single day, I'm lucky to be doing what I'm doing.

I don't have the strength or wisdom to get through a single day without guidance and grace from God.

I talk to God every single day. And I say, 'God, my life is in your hands, and I trust you with me.'

I travel every single day, but I make it a point to hit the gym. I want to look good for the summer.

Everybody knows I work every single day, I never rest, and I always work to give my best to the fans.

We struggle with this every single day - will third-party apps have room in the future of ecosystems?

Since 1948 I have spent every single day thinking how the economic and political worlds have changed.

Farmers in Iowa know that I've been out there, and manufacturers, fighting for them every single day.

I put my heart and soul into it every single day, to go out there and try and win games for the Astros.

In my early years, I would travel 56 km. from home to the training institute and back every single day.

Looking back, there hasn't been a single day in WhatsApp's 10 year journey when this service was secure.

I built a studio in L.A. for me and my brother to just write every single day. And it's been great, man.

Whenever I travel, I seem to get sick - it's probably inevitable when you're on a plane every single day.

Christ imparts the capacity of conquest to our lives every single day that we are willing to believe Him.

I'm fulfilling my dreams that I had as a kid every single day. That's why I'm trying to enjoy it so much.

We, as entrepreneurs, can be held responsible for our actions every single day, not every election cycle.

Be passionate and move forward with gusto every single hour of every single day until you reach your goal.

I never expected my books to do even as well as they have. I still feel grateful for it, every single day.

It's different when your son is not typical, and you have to deal with him and handle him every single day.

I can't think Kansas City enough for embracing me for who I am, my teammates for fighting every single day.

I try to break a sweat every single day. Whatever that may be, if it's even just going for a walk or a run.

I always work on my abs, every single day. As Miss Universe, exercising your abdominal muscles is mandatory!

Kids are watching us. I experience it every single day. They hang on my every word, what I wear, what I say.

My father worked with a first-grade education in this country and managed every single day without a hiccup.

My life's far too complicated to be summed up in one song. It would take 20 just to represent one single day.

My dad is constantly looking up my name on Twitter, every single day. He made a Twitter account just for that.

I think the No. 1 thing that helps me get through every single day is the support of my friends and my family.

I think it's possible to climb the Dawn Wall in a single day. No matter what, it would be really, really hard.

Push yourself every single day to continue to work at yourself. And I feel like that's the reason why I made it.

Every single day matters when it comes to building a world where every person can live their life to the fullest.

Recovery is something that you have to work on every single day and it's something that it doesn't get a day off.

I think about giving back every single day, about the people who put so much effort into supporting my mum and me.

I was at an academy for basically my whole life when I played tennis, so I had the same schedule every single day.

For me, I want to make sure every single day I wake up and give thanks for everything that I've been given in life.

I have no choice but to be 100-percent-focused. My two hours get blown up nearly every single day by breaking news.

Growing up, we played sports nonstop. I mean every single day. As soon I got done with breakfast, I was ready to go.

To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day.

I've been the type to just get up and go or I'm finding something to do, I'm on some type of grind every single day.

Every single day of my life is about challenging people who think you can't do something because of the way you look.

I really believed in 2 Chainz, I really believed in Future, and I was going to the studio with them every single day.

I train six to seven hours every single day. I wake up six days a week and know that it's going to be the same thing.

Being able to be on set every single day and actually lead a movie was very humbling but so exciting at the same time.

My favourite food actually is chocolate cake. I need to have a slice of chocolate cake every single day, without fail.

I feel like part of the reason I play basketball so much is it just feels good. In the summer I play every single day.

The way I train, the way I spar, I'm out of my comfort zone every single day, and you can see the result in my fights.

My goal is to attack every single day and get better every single day. The rest of the stuff will take care of itself.

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