I have seen 'The Sixth Sense.'

Your sixth sense should be your first sense.

The sense of wonder, that is our sixth sense.

Injustice is a sixth sense, and rouses all the others.

I didn't make 'The Sixth Sense' because I thought the ending wouldn't work!

A film like 'The Sixth Sense' burns an image of who you are into people's minds.

I'm really into kind of a 'Sixth Sense' type of movie - mysteries, thrillers a little bit.

I figured out 'The Sixth Sense' in the first 10 minutes. I still found the movie touching.

I have a sixth sense, but not the other five. If I wasn't making money, they'd put me away.

Money is like a sixth sense without which you cannot make a complete use of the other five.

I like the old, classic scary movies. I love 'Psycho,' 'The Sixth Sense,' and 'Poltergeist.'

The sixth sense is at the core of our experiences. It is what makes experiences out of events.

Little Haley Joel Osment in 'The Sixth Sense' can see dead people. Well, I can see racist people.

I know how to read people. When you grow up in a rough environment, you have to have a sixth sense.

'The Sixth Sense' is fine the second time around, but honestly, the first time around, it's dazzling.

Engineers don't have that sixth sense where we can just toss in things here and there like many chefs.

I think with Blair Witch and The Sixth Sense, people are much more open to something that is different.

I imagine having that sixth sense, the certainty that what I'm looking for is within reach, even if it's still hidden.

I'm not fearful by nature, but I am vigilant. When you walk into a prison, it's important that a sixth sense kicks in.

If you know where you are going, you have this sixth sense about if everything you do along the way is lined up with that.

One of our greatest gifts is out intuition. It is a sixth sense we all have - we just need to learn to tap into and trust it.

A script like 'The Sixth Sense' is fun to read: It's so well-written, and you get a vivid sense of what's going to be onscreen.

For instance, 'The Sixth Sense' had mediocre to bad reviews. Slowly, the audience pushed it and it received critical attention.

Sometimes, I knew generally what I was going to do, but I've never written anything down. Call it a sixth sense: the lines just come.

What I do isn't like 'The Sixth Sense,' I don't see dead people walking around when I'm sitting and looking at an audience of people.

It is only on the basis of the probable and the apparent that men bereft of a sixth sense are able to sit in judgment over other men.

I never do anything that doesn't feel natural to me. I wake up in the morning and I know what to put on - it's my sixth sense, really.

We each have a sixth sense that is attuned to the oneness dimension in life, providing a means for us to guide our lives in accord with our ideas.

'The Sixth Sense' was a very enjoyable, successful movie despite the fact that there were plenty of people, including myself, who saw the ending coming.

They've been talking about Pi, which I haven't seen, they've been comparing it to Usual Suspects, Sixth Sense, and Fight Club, and I didn't see that either.

When we fall asleep, we withdraw our awareness from its hypnotic fascination with physical sensation, thereby enabling us to listen with our now awakening sixth sense.

When The Sixth Sense was the No. 1 movie in America, I had a Canadian boyfriend whose only assets at the time were a guitar and a van. I don't know what I was thinking.

I don't have very good peripheral vision, that so-called sixth sense people have. I used to have a really good one, and now I couldn't feel anybody come around a corner.

But I think we are seeing a resurgence of the graphic ghost story like The Others, Devil's Backbone and The Sixth Sense. It is a return to more gothic atmospheric ghost storytelling.

With 'The Sixth Sense,' my dad and I discussed how this was not so much a horror story as a story about communication. I understudied with my dad, in a sense. It made a huge difference.

The reason I think we hold films like 'The Sixth Sense' and 'Citizen Kane' in such high regard is those are movies that were amplified by their twists but were already bringing the goods.

You look at John Travolta in 'Pulp Fiction', you look at Donnie Wahlberg in 'The Sixth Sense.' People have liens against them in crazy ways and the audience is always forgiving - if you prove it.

Steve had a real sixth sense about so many things. He had an odd connection with wildlife. He was extraordinarily intuitive with people. I found it all very - I don't know if 'eerie' is the word, but remarkable, certainly.

Cameramen are among the most extraordinarily able and competent people I know. They have to have an insight into natural history that gives them a sixth sense of what the creature is going to do, so they can be ready to follow.

The Sixth Sense is not a good white film. Insomnia is not a good white film. They're just good films. So why we can't we have good films that happen to have black people, or Asian, or Latino, or any other minority group in them?

I don't think we're all going to be mediums but I do think we all have a sixth sense in that we have an intuition. I think our intuition is something that we all have the ability to tap into and we often regret when we don't follow it.

Supernatural movies generally have a much more brooding pace. If you look at films like 'The Sixth Sense' or 'The Others,' it's more building up the characters and building up the situation as opposed to just opening with a big action set piece.

All women have a perception much more developed than men. So all women somehow, being repressed for so many millennia, they ended up by developing this sixth sense and contemplation and love. And this is something that we have a hard time to accept as part of our society.

I really believe that you grow up a certain way in New York. There's a New York morality, a sense of loyalty. You know how to win and lose. There's a thousand kids outside, you know who to push and who not to push. There's a sixth sense you develop just because it's New York.

My sixth sense uses the other five senses to communicate. I may have a vision, hear a sound, get a smell, or have a physical sensation that corresponds with how someone passed. What I do revolves around noticing subtle differences in my mind and body - because they're messages.

I've been intrigued by this question of whether we could evolve or develop a sixth sense - a sense that would give us seamless access and easy access to meta-information or information that may exist somewhere that may be relevant to help us make the right decision about whatever it is that we're coming across.

There's a certain kind of dark-crusted sourdough bread I'm incapable of resisting. A sixth sense alerts me anytime I veer within a three-block radius of a bakery offering tangy country loaves with mahogany crusts. Without fail, I'll make my way inside and buy one, even if there's already half a loaf growing stale on my countertop.

Actors actually have a feeling, like a sixth sense. They are like mediums. But it only works - you can only become this medium or this vessel to transport emotions and images and feelings - if you are not too full of yourself. Otherwise, there wouldn't be space for a story to live inside of you or a world to evolve in you and around you.

Back at high school, there was this quarterback who asks me out. He's never paid attention to me before, but now we're on this date, going to see the 'Sixth Sense.' And right before the climax, he leans in - and I'm so excited, because I think we're going to French-kiss - and then he tells me the twist. He completely ruins the movie for me.

For me, selfishly, The Postman didn't kill my career. It meant I didn't shoot straight and painfully into the limelight, but Rushmore came out of it. No one would have known where I was to cast me in Rushmore had I not been in The Postman. Because they shared a producer. Nor would I have been in The Sixth Sense. Nor would I be speaking to you now if Kevin Costner hadn't cast me in The Postman.

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