Life is a lot like skateboarding.

Skateboarding is not for girls at all.

I won't quit skating until I am physically unable.

In skateboarding, you're never bigger than the streets.

I'm too into skateboarding to be devastated by anything.

I learned from BMX and skateboarding how to take a fall.

Skateboarding is a way to let your body control the mind.

I grew up skateboarding, but I don't even do that anymore.

If you skateboard, you cant be afraid to have people laugh at you.

I still like some of the stuff, skateboarding. Just stupid things.

Skateboarding has given me everything I have and created who I am.

When I was growing up, skateboarding was big and basketball was big.

My son's 8 he loves his skateboarding and his bike and his snowboard.

I got into skateboarding when I was like a shorty. It was a toy thing.

Skateboarding is training, but I don't think of it as training. It's fun.

When skateboarding and punk merged, it really became a large teen subculture.

I wanted to promote skateboarding as much as possible through different media.

Think about how much skateboarding opens your eyes to see the world differently.

I had a really lovely upbringing. I did a lot of skateboarding down country lanes.

When I was a kid, I always wanted to live in California because I liked skateboarding.

When I got sponsored, it symbolized a major change and a major shift in skateboarding.

Hopefully, kids realize you can do anything you want. Skateboarding can be that gateway.

There is sort of an unspoken 'no skateboarding' clause on tour that I break pretty often.

If I weren't skateboarding, I'd love to race cars. I like anything that's fast and active.

I started skateboarding when I was 12, and I broke my leg when I was 19 so... seven years.

I've actually said 'get off my grass' to people before. They were skateboarding on my grass!

The reality of professional skateboarding contests is that they're not relevant in our world.

Even when I'm at home, I keep to myself - skateboarding, riding bikes, and stuff in the house.

You didn't quit skateboarding because you got old, you got old because you quit skateboarding.

If you really want a career in professional skateboarding,you really got to stop pushing mongo.

For me, part of one my big movements is building authentic street environments for skateboarding.

I love skateboarding and rollerblading, but I'm not really allowed to do it because of my tennis.

My whole life has been the skate life. I don't really remember doing anything besides skateboarding.

It's exciting to go from snowboarding to skateboarding because I get to start as the underdog again.

As skateboarding evolved, it evolved away from competition. Having a best-trick contest doesn't work.

Some girls can skate but I personally believe that skateboarding is not for girls at all. Not one bit.

When I was a kid, everywhere I went people said I should be a model, but I was more into skateboarding.

Usually the thing that signifies that I'm done with the winter and all that is that I start skateboarding.

Growing up, I absolutely loved skateboarding and dirt bike riding with my brother and the neighborhood kids.

Skateboarding doesn't make you a skateboarder; not being able to stop skateboarding makes you a skateboarder.

Skateboarding was the only thing I was ever good at. Growing up, I was doing that from, like, dusk till dawn.

It's a strange phenomenon how this piece of wood, wheels and a turning system has made so many people so happy

I've been wearing Vans since I was a little kid. I wear them on stage, and I grew up skateboarding and surfing.

Skateboarding was my introduction to rap and the first rap song that I really liked was KRS-One 'Step Into A World.'

From 8 to 19, I was skateboarding every single day. That was my life. I worked at a skate shop. I watched skate videos.

I consider skateboarding an art form, a lifestyle and a sport. 'Action sport' would be the least offensive categorization.

One of the interesting things about skateboarding and graffiti is that skateboarding exists in the documentation of an act.

Skateboarding was everything to us growing up. It changes the way you see the world: you spend all day looking for ditches.

I was a real skateboarder, not a gifted skateboarder. I represented that skateboarding was fun to do by being terrible at it.

My whole body is a wreck. I've injured myself so many times with jujitsu, skateboarding, football. I guess I like to live hard.

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