I grew up surrounded by sketch comedy.

Everybody needs some good sketch comedy.

I did sketch comedy for years. I've always enjoyed it.

I was a big fan of sketch comedy and cartoons growing up.

I pray to the shrine of 'Mr. Show.' It saved sketch comedy.

I did sketch comedy with a troupe at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe.

I'm in a sketch comedy group in school and I also do stand-up.

Without a doubt in sketch comedy there are fewer women than men.

I want to see Bob Dylan do sketch comedy. I'm a huge Bob Dylan fan.

I did sketch comedy, but I never did improv. So I've just tried to learn as I go.

One of my favorite things about sketch comedy is doing parodies and music videos.

I'm a really gifted physical comedienne. I write and produce a lot of sketch comedy.

If you want to be an actor, you need to learn how to act first, even in sketch comedy.

I still have a desire to do some sketch comedy. My dream is to be on 'SNL,' to host 'SNL.'

I love mustaches with all my heart. There's just something about sketch comedy and mustaches.

I always loved acting and improv and sketch comedy and theater, which I did at a local youth theater.

When you're doing sketch comedy and you're pregnant, it's like wearing a giant sombrero in every sketch.

I can't think of another place other than TV where a five-person sketch comedy group could make a living.

'Mad TV' is one of my most favorite shows of all time and is a huge part of my obsession with sketch comedy.

I watch a lot of YouTube videos. I like game play channels like the Game Grumps. But I mostly watch sketch comedy.

Well, I loved variety in television, I loved sketch comedy. At 'Saturday Night Live,' I stayed almost seven years.

Animation is very similar to sketch comedy: you have a short amount of time to do something big and ridiculous and funny.

My preference is for people who can do sketch comedy or situational comedy, where it's not a joke, but it's telling a story.

Dealing with sketch comedy and buddy teams like Abbott and Costello, Bob Hope and Bing Crosby - I just loved buddy comedies.

At first, there was a separation of clubs and sketch comedy. Now there's all kinds of comedy, making us one big happy family.

Nobody wants to see sketch comedy that's the same sketch they've seen time and time again, or that's just a rehash of that thing.

That's what I love about sketch comedy: a sketch is five minutes, then it goes dark, and there's the potential for something else.

It's certainly strange to do sketch comedy with cue cards at midnight in a skyscraper as opposed to in a basement with your friends.

A couple of friends and I started a sketch comedy group when we were teenagers, just for fun and to start creating stuff. It was a blast.

Getting recognized on the street is fine, but I never really wanted to be famous. I just wanted to have mastered the art of sketch comedy.

I think people are purists about what sketch comedy should be, and I think sometimes having too much fun can be a little annoying to some people.

I'm a huge sketch comedy fan, and I think my love of sketch is reflected in my stand-up in that I do a lot of vignettes and voices and characters.

If you want good sketches, go pick up Sid Caesar. The best of Your Show of Shows. That's the greatest sketch comedy you'll ever see on television.

I've done some version of that Minnesota accent - that Midwestern accent - in sketch comedy for years. It's the quickest way to symbolize you're a mom.

Because it's uncensored cable, I think we'll be able to do the kind of sketch comedy that really hasn't been seen before. We can actually finish jokes.

Every movie I do, or when I'm on the sketch comedy show, I don't really get into it until I have an outfit or something funny with my head or face or something.

When I decided I wanted to be an actor in high school, I really went into improv. I took classes at The Groundlings. I studied acting. Did sketch comedy in L.A.

I didn't want to write sketch comedy after 'Mr. Show.' I felt like, after 'Mr. Show', why would you want to go work at any of the other places that existed then?

I have always been doing sketch comedy since I was a kid because one of my mom's boyfriends was an improv comedy guy so were doing skits all the time growing up.

I love sketch comedy. My real goal is to do something with Albert Brooks. That would be my fantasy. I stay up night and day thinking up stuff he might find funny.

You really have no idea whether or not what you're writing is funny. In stand-up and sketch comedy, you know right away and you can make your changes accordingly.

When I first started doing sketch comedy, I promised myself that if I were ever to have any success in this business, I wouldn't hold back. Why get there and play it safe?

My experience - and it might be just the kind of comedy that I do, which is usually sketch comedy - is that there's a lot more texture and subplot in drama than in comedy.

Possibly the only genre that efficiently converted from TV to YouTube / Vine is sketch comedy, which has always had more to do with the skills of its creators than its budgets.

But long story short, I didn't start doing stand-up because I wanted to have a TV show or be an actor or even wanted to write sketch comedy. I got into stand-up because I love stand-up.

My younger sister's a comedian. She has a sketch comedy group in Chicago called Schadenfreude and I look at her with such admiration and envy because it's such an amazing thing to make someone laugh.

I liked that improv and sketch comedy were collaborative, but you really depended on other people and a stage to perform. With stand-up comedy, I liked that you had no one else to blame and depend on.

I've just written this six-part sketch comedy series, which I've never done before. And I don't know how to pitch it. Am I supposed to just pick up a camera and put stuff on YouTube? Is that how it works?

When I graduated, I was director of my school's sketch comedy group, and I knew that I wanted to be writing and performing my own sketch comedy. It kind of made me want to do my own one-person sketch group.

My friends say I make them laugh a lot, so I think that somewhere in me is a little comedic ability that comes out in the most inappropriate or unexpected moments. I did a lot of sketch comedy years ago. That's always in me.

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