I was trying to figure out how to use the skills I had developed in the world of social change.

Yesterday they called it coincidence. Today it's synchronicity. Tomorrow they'll call it skill.

Strong families are not an accident...They take thought and intention and preparation and skill.

Britain cannot compete with China or Taiwan on price; we compete on skills, on arts and culture.

Better degrees don't automatically translate into better skills and better jobs and better lives

Habit is the intersection of knowledge (what to do), skill (how to do), and desire (want to do).

To be successful you must recognise your weaknesses and employ people with complementary skills.

Push yourself, when you get smart up top (in your head), your skills will fall right into place.

Whatever skills I have acquired, whatever gifts I have been given, I place them at Your service.

Skills are never taught, they are acquired. I can give you a camera, but can't feed your vision.

Obviously, every child should be given the best possible opportunity to acquire literacy skills.

I have no organisational skills. All my energy goes into worry - worrying takes a lot of energy.

Once I slow down because I think I have reached my peak, then my skills will go nowhere but down

To gain more abundance a person needs more skills and needs to be more creative and cooperative.

When I first started acting, I knew that you have to learn different skills for different roles.

We can and must use our combined skills at every opportunity available to address climate change.

Better degrees don't automatically translate into better skills and better jobs and better lives.

It's easy to get laid when you're rich and famous. When you're broke and unknown, it takes skill.

Bad improvisers block action, often with a high degree of skill. Good improvisers develop action.

If you trust your nerve as well as your skill, you're capable of a lot more than you can imagine.

I'm trying to solidify a long-term career, because I have no other skills and no other abilities.

The key to victory lies more in manipulation and cooperation than in exceptional personal skills.

Step aside, boys. I have the evil powers for this.” – Abigail “My lady got mad skills.” – Sundown

So for a year I spent all my time hiding from Jack Charlton in the car park practising my skills.

It is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from followers.

The improviser has to understand that his first skill lies in releasing his partner’s imagination.

The most sensible skill that I can give to somebody born in 2003 is a perfect command of Mandarin.

Self-doubt creates the impetus for learning but hinders adept use of previously established skills

Guiding the ship takes more the your skill. It is the compass inside as the strength of your will.

I wasn't always tall. I was shorter so my stepdad had me at point guard so I learned those skills.

Always maintain your common sense and artful skills, and funnel it all into plain enough dealings.

The creative process is a cocktail of instinct, skill, culture and a highly creative feverishness.

Inventing is a skill that some people have and some people don't. But you can learn how to invent.

Art is always about overcoming obstacles between the inner condition and the skill for expression.

Just a reminder - a guidebook is no substitute for skill, experience, judgment and lots of tension.

The evidence is unequivocal, there's a great deal more luck than skill in people getting very rich.

No amount of virtuosic skill and choice of subject matter can be a substitute for depth and poetry.

Never mind money; the gifts of time and skill call into being the richest marketplace in the world.

When you combine something to say with the skill to say it properly, then you've got a good writer.

Patience was not something that came naturally to me, but in cooking it is the quintessential skill.

IQ and technical skills are important, but emotional intelligence is the sine qua non of leadership.

It isn't often that a writer of superlative skills knows enough about flying to write well about it.

But you do have to start young as a dancer if you're going to achieve the physical skills necessary.

Graffiti art brings you back to your human skills - your spirit and what your being is really about.

It's very easy to be cynical about any kind of interference in things that are beyond our skill set.

[First line] “The business of murder took time, patience, skill, and a tolerance for the monotonous.

Why do we make so much of knowledge, struggle so hard to get some little skill not worth the effort?

The poor need the motivation, the incentives, the skills, the education so they can help themselves.

Your ability to set goals and to make plans for their accomplishment is the master skill of success.

While we are deploying troops in their thousands, we lose the chance to build up their basic skills.

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