Intellectual achievement. The exercise of skill. Human feeling.

My style of playing is more enthusiasm and instinct than skill.

My skill didn't lie in planning battles, only in fighting them.

Leadership is about persuasion, presentation and people skills.

I have the street smarts and survival skills of, like, a poodle.

To show our simple skill, That is the true beginning of our end.

Even so, I must admire your skill. You are so gracefully insane.

We live in a world of unused and misapplied knowledge and skill.

I think it now comes down to whether you have the skills or not.

Relational skills are the most important abilities in leadership.

The most important skill to acquire now is learning how to learn.

When it comes to mastering a skill, time is the magic ingredient.

99% of fund managers demonstrate no evidence of skill whatsoever.

No skill or art is needed to grow old; the trick is to endure it.

Not everyone who has a savant skill I would equate with a genius.

Information defines your personality, your memories, your skills.

Skills can be taught. Character you either have or you don't have.

Wisdom is knowing. Skill is know how to do it. Virtue is doing it.

Success is a learnable skill. You can learn to succeed at anything

Listening is one of the lesser-known skills that mistresses offer.

Not everyone has the survival skills of William Jefferson Clinton.

My whole life is about forgetting. It's my most valuable job skill.

Knowledge is not skill. Knowledge plus ten thousand times is skill.

It needs more skill than I can tell To play the second fiddle well.

Everyone has a chance to learn, improve, and build up their skills.

I have certainly amassed many historical research gathering skills.

I don't have any oratory skills. But I would not use them if I had.

Elective ignorance was a great survival skill, perhaps the greatest.

Self-interest leads to honing your skills, the better to trade with.

Parenting is the greatest of hum-a-few-bars-and-I'll-fake-it skills.

Illy [Ray Illingworth] had the man-management skills of Basil Fawlty

I was not born with many technical skills. I had to improve and work.

In Wales, singing and storytelling are party skills, not professions.

I have no athletic skills whatsoever. I'm just literally incompetent.

Competitive toughness is an acquired skill and not an inherited gift.

Skills are expensive in Africa, best people are on American salaries.

Anyone can see a forest fire. Skill lies in sniffing the first smoke.

There is always a point when one senses ones lack of skill, the doubt

I feel dominant - I feel the triangle offense utilizes all my skills.

Our identity in the world must change from Scam India to Skill India.

I think we have a lot of tools, a lot of skills to do certain things.

Those with prodigious skill in music are better suited for all things.

Perfection is perfectly simple; fouling things up requires true skill.

Ruud Gullit was able to impose his multi-lingual skills on this match.

Business is where you practice your human skills. It's where you grow.

I don't know how to dance, and I don't have any extra flexible skills.

I don't think it negates your skills as a parent if you're homosexual.

There's no skill. You can be a rock and move into another tax bracket.

I'm no good at anything. Not men. Not social skills. Not work. Nothing.

Without passion, all the skill in the world won't lift you above craft.

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