I'm a social media addict.

Social media can be so damaging.

I by no means quit social media.

Social media can be so addictive.

Social media is so influential now.

Sharing is the essence of social media.

I'm speaking out against social media bias.

Social media can be very negative at times.

I'm not equipped for the social media thing.

For actors, social media is a driving force.

I don't like social media at all, to be honest.

All that social media hyperbole is just so fake.

To say I like social media is an understatement.

I don't enjoy being on social media or at events.

I'm not so adept at social media. It's not my forte.

I'm very hands-on about social media. That's my voice.

Social media is simply a tool that facilitates actions.

I get bullied a lot on social media, and it's terrible.

I'm not into social media. I'm like from another century.

Because of social media, we're so fixated on our appearances.

I get most of my news updates from electronic and social media.

I'm not on social media; I don't watch TV. I'm really out of it.

I think there's a misconception that I'm opposed to social media.

Asking Muslims to stay away from social media is downright absurd.

It's a personal thing whether one wants to be on social media or not.

Social media is an advertisement for the superficial extroverted self.

The whole point of social media is continuity and continual engagement.

There's so much negativity on social media, I don't want to add to that.

My goal is to bridge the gap between social media and traditional media.

I'm skilled in the Twitter and Instagram sense of the social media verse.

I don't have social media. I don't have Facebook or Instagram or Snapchat.

My social media, I think I had 700 followers before, now it's like 800,000.

I think social media brings another dynamic to running for office so publicly.

I have a private Instagram and an official one, so I'm not opposed to social media.

I don't do any social media. I'm not on Facebook or Twitter. I'm just not interested.

I don't have social media, and I'm not, I guess, that adept at being on the Internet.

As a communication medium, social media is a critical tool for terror groups to exploit.

Social media marketers have already shown unusual savvy in executing campaigns in Brazil.

It no longer counts as remarkable that Egyptians organized their uprising on social media.

Twitter was actually the holdout in what has turned out to be my total purge of social media.

Social media for the majority of companies is not about helping customers or improving products.

Most of my friends are in the industry - photographers, models, stylists, and social media kids.

The translation of social media buzz does not really happen. Films do well through word of mouth.

Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage.

You have to be really careful with what you put out on social media and who you're talking to online.

We're social media-driven now, the social media team is huge in WWE. It really helps expand our brand.

You can either allow social media to be helpful for you or it can be harmful. I like to let it be helpful.

I think social media has amplified a lot of voices that maybe traditional media hasn't perfectly portrayed.

I don't really have a strategy for social media. I think that's my strategy is that I don't have a strategy.

Social media constitute the most powerful readily accessible communications weapon Hamas has in its arsenal.

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