Nadine from Girls Aloud could definitely go solo - she's the one with the talent and will have a successful solo career.

The fact is, for the first 10 years I toured as a solo artist, I wasn't playing any of the songs I didn't write or sing.

I had a number of very strong personalities in my family. My father was a concert flutist, the solo flute for Toscanini.

Most solo artists go out on their own and put their name on the record. I prefer to create little alternative universes.

Any guitar solo should reflect the music that it's soloing over and not just be existing in its own sort of little world.

I auditioned for 'Spider-Man.' I auditioned for 'Han Solo,' all those big movies. I would love to do something like that.

Everybody free-solos. When you walk to the store, you're free-soloing. It's just a matter of the difficulty of the route.

I'm on a mission to make people aware that I'm not a solo artist. I'm sometimes challenged by the branding of Tim Crouch.

I knew I didn't want to make a country record just because that's not really what I would have ever made as a solo artist.

Music left my life for a while, to be honest. It wasn't that I didn't like it, but you know, I'm not really a solo player.

I could never be a professional comedian, 'cause you have to keep telling the same jokes. For me, they're like word solos.

I always wanted Han Solo's confidence and swagger. My personality is way more C-3PO, but Han was always who I wanted to be.

I always wanted to do my solo album in English, because I grew up listening to a lot of pop artists and English-based songs.

I enjoy singing but I lack the proper training to make it as a solo artist. Instead, I feel I've found my niche with acting.

By the time I did that third solo album, I'd finally learned how to do it, but I'd also learned that I liked being in a band

We always talked [with Andrew Ridgeley] about when it would happen - we always knew that I would go on to have a solo career.

By the time I did that third solo album, I'd finally learned how to do it, but I'd also learned that I liked being in a band.

A great guitar solo is really a song within a song. You can always go off and do your pageantry, but it has to be structured.

You can remember almost every Elmore James solo by heart because he was playing songs. Nothing's wasted. Nothing's throwaway.

My goal has been to encourage jointness, to push people to think of affiliations rather than to operate as solo entrepreneurs.

You know how the Beatles broke off - they all did their solo projects and they came back together and they were even stronger!

With writing, I prefer the solo effort, but when a team is working right, as it did on 'The Grifters,' boy, it's exhilarating.

Han Solo has always been - and I think for a lot of people, too - this iconic character who's the absolute definition of cool.

I like to keep fit, and when not gardening or singing solo or in a choir, I cycle, play tennis, swim, dance, and practise yoga.

When I was a kid, I used to pretend I was Han Solo all the time. Running around with my fingers pretending they were a blaster.

I feel like the character of Han Solo is irreverent. A very serious, precious story about Han Solo would not be that enjoyable.

Antonio Sanchez is from Mexico City. I met him at a Pat Metheny concert. He did a solo, and I thought, 'This is an octopus man!'

I remember my brother came home with a bass and played a blues solo on it. I just went insane for days afterwards learning that.

I do sing a bit, a solo called 'Rubies,' and the female vocals on 'In Paradisum,' 'The Sound of Silence,' and 'Sapphire Clouds'.

I'm solo, and I love being solo. I believe I went through the Roses so I could become a solo music-maker. That's what I believe.

When you always know what is right, where is freedom? No one chooses the wrong, Jacen Solo. Uncertainty sets you free." -Vergere

Some people like to drive a Ford, not a Ferrari, and some people like to drink out of a red Solo cup, not out of a crystal stem.

You want a solo to be structured, a song within a song, but you want it to sound like it's the first time you're playing it, too.

There is something so different and empowering about travelling solo. It's a unique experience and one that is so self-educating.

I grew up listening to such strong female solo artists. I love Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears.

I think everything happens in time. There's a time for everything. There's a time to be in a group, and there's a time to be solo.

I've never really had the desire to be a front person or a solo artist. I don't really create that much of a hierarchy in my mind.

I had a solo career before Van Halen. My fan base filtered through Van Halen with me and came right on out the other side with me.

When I was a kid on the playground, fights were about who got to play Han Solo. He's just one of the best characters ever created.

Being a solo artist in general can be incredibly lonely. It's funny how often the bigger you get sometimes, the lonelier you feel.

I heard some stuff recently from Julian Casablancas, and his solo stuff is amazing. If I could write with anyone, it would be him.

'Fragile,' of course, was a very successful album for us, especially here in the States. It had a lot of solo pieces on it, though.

The goal is not to solo. Of course, it is possible to move fast in alpine style also with a partner. I just need the right partner.

Sean was a lot shyer lyrically in his solo career. I think because his father was such a great lyricist it was hard to tackle that.

I always wanted to solo at the church and they didn't ever give it to me. But eventually they did and I froze. But then I killed it.

The solo break or the small break, it's... one of the most glorious ways to win a bike race. It's pretty damn impressive in my mind.

In my solo work on my own albums, I have used voice synthesizers and vocoders quite a lot in connection with orchestral instruments.

When people mention our solo projects, people start guessing: What will Rose do? What will Lisa do? I enjoy watching fans speculate.

I was a solo parent. Not a single parent as far as I was concerned. Single parent implies that the other parent is around somewhere.

As long as I know what key the solo is in, I try to kind of empty my mind and not think about anything. I just play without thinking.

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