You have to remember now, I was not being terribly successful at going solo.

Now that I'm coming out with my own record people can see I'm a solo artist.

I've always looked on myself as one of a band and never sought a solo career.

I couldn't have been a great goalkeeper without power, agility and quickness.

Certainly, whatever I learn while I'm out solo, I bring back to Fleetwood Mac.

The way I look at a solo project is, I create what I want with whoever I want.

I've actually thought very little about solo work up until just very recently.

It's tough going out as the opening act of a band especially when you're solo.

I only do solo albums when songs are screaming at me to be let out of my mind.

Most stand-up comics relish performing 'in one' - solo. They like the autonomy.

I am more of a solo bass player and he needed somebody who would keep the role.

Don't get 'Return of The Mac' confused as a solo album. That was just a mixtape.

Running is my solo time; working my muscles outside in fresh air is therapeutic.

I toured with Lynyrd Skynyrd as a solo artist, many years ago. I love those guys.

I am so blessed to do what I love to do, but becoming a solo artist terrified me!

It was never supposed to be a hit. It was supposed to be a Joe Morello drum solo.

I still approach a scene as one would approach a solo. There's nothing set or pat.

When I do solo stuff, when I do anything involving music, it's very collaborative.

Going up the mast is one of the most dangerous things you can do as a solo sailor.

Working as a solo artist has given me a confidence that I didn't have with Blondie.

I think a good guitar solo sounds so much better within the context of a good song.

I was never the one that really wanted to be a solo artist, I was always in groups.

I have no want or desire to solo. I'd rather create melodies and accompanying parts.

Making music with other people feeds spontaneity, and lends ideas to your solo work.

Music can happen with equal ease as a solo or collaborative venture, it seems to me.

I do a lot of solo work in Europe and the Far East, and my main passion is traveling.

Solo, you don't have compromise. It gets back to what's great when you're a musician.

I didn't leave the band to go solo so much as to stop feeling like a production item.

SOLO' is a fun, self-loving song. Through it, I wanted to show different sides of me.

I've always wanted to do a solo project. I've always known I wanted to be a musician.

Generally my songs are just some riffs slung together as an excuse for a guitar solo.

The sad thing is, I never wanted to be Princess Leia - I always wanted to be Han Solo!

Lauren Hill, I always have her solo CD nearby. I have Coldplay, Radiohead, just a mix.

When I started doing sessions, the guitar was in vogue. I was playing solos every day.

The thing for me is I never had this burning desire to do a solo record my whole life.

My most favourite gigs that ever happened were solo, before The Monkees ever happened.

I wanted to put out a solo record because I was stuck on a major label and sick of it.

I can't even imagine how it must be to be a solo artist playing with session musicians.

The whole time I was with 'The Temptations', I was accumulating my own solo recordings.

I'm not afraid to have a really weird idea or, you know, take a really bad guitar solo.

I think especially since going solo it's pretty clear that I'm completely being myself.

Honestly, going solo is the second best thing that's ever happened to me after my kids.

I can't tell you how much I respect all the single parents out there doing it all solo.

Being in a group, you don't really get to give an ounce of who you are as a solo artist.

Especially for my first album, I struggled with even the thought of being a solo artist.

I've parked my solo thing in a lay-by and jumped in another vehicle and I'm in that now.

I never imagined I'd be a solo artist. And now I couldn't imagine being part of a group.

Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.

When I did the solo acoustic tour in 2010, I fell in love with that kind of performance.

My favorite puzzle is trying to work out the parts myself, after all it is a solo effort.

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