Han Solo would never wear the earring Harrison Ford wears.

Solo concerts are murder, I find; I don't like doing them.

I think Thespis just wanted to be a solo player, you know?

It just felt like the right time to focus on solo material.

Out of the firefight, into the carbon freeze." -Anakin Solo

For me as a solo artist, I never want to be a nostalgia act.

Zadie Smith's 'NW' is keeping me company on my solo travels.

I've never really been interested in doing a solo piano tour.

Strategy is not really a solo sport - even If you're the CEO.

I was never disheartened that I did not get solo hero movies.

I did my solo thing for a while and got that out of my system.

Anyone who likes Static-X will definitely like my solo record.

Zelda is the best solo game; Mario Cart is the best group game.

I wanted all my solos to be something you could sing along with

I got no entourage in real life. Solo. I go solo. No entourage.

I've always been excited at the idea of performing a solo show.

My primary goal is to be a solo artist releasing original music.

By going solo I could lose a fortune but money is not important.

You can never get a woman to sit down and listen to a drum solo.

All I did was basically play myself in the role of Napoleon Solo.

I've been solo since 1996, so I've been doing it for a while now.

Now my main goal is my solo career, so I want to keep doing that.

As a solo artist, my desire is to express myself through my music.

It's archaic to think about films as a solo lead or multi-starrer.

I played all the guitar parts except the guitar solo on 'Beat It.'

I'd done three solo albums in a row, and that's quite narcissistic.

For a solo work I need a definite idea. For the present I have none.

I'm the 1st black platinum artist in Detroit, solo artist in Detroit.

I think writing a solo play was the most liberating thing I ever did.

Oh. Yes. There. Is. A. Lot of pressure. As a solo singer. Absolutely.

Every young actor wants this feeling of being the solo lead in a film.

In my solo series, I feel like I've often dealt with groups of people.

It's the group sound that's important, even when you're playing a solo.

I like Mike D. We kept trying to get him to go solo. He wouldn't do it.

You are a dear soul who plays polo, and I am a poor Pole who plays solo.

Radiohead is overrated. Thom Yorke's solo output, however, is brilliant.

I never envisioned myself as a solo artist; I was always part of a band.

Acting in 'Solo' has truly been a wonderful and blissful journey for me.

I have a very solo career. I only write with people that I really adore.

I get a little sick of myself as a solo artist. I get a little bit bored.

I've never done a solo tour. I feel like getting out there and doing that.

... We probably funded a rate of something like one out of ten solo teams.

Rilo Kiley was a rock band, so I wanted my solo records to feel different.

I love those Keith Richards solo records, but it's not the Rolling Stones.

For me, if we're going to have a guitar solo, it needs to be over the top.

If I play anything that sounds like a solo, it's gonna sound like a lyric.

Writing songs is a solo activity, so, if I put my mind to it, I can do it.

Well, I suppose I could do a solo album, but my god, it would be terrible!

The terrible thing about being an actor is that it's not a solo occupation.

I'm not generally a big solo guy, because I'm not into showing off that way.

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