I knew exactly what to do in The Seekers but I didn't know what it would be like to be a solo artist.

People sometimes ask if I want to be a solo artist, but it just wouldn't be any fun being on your own.

To put my name on a track as a solo artist was a big deal to me. There was no band to act as a buffer.

It's silly to call me the new Ed Sheeran. He can fill stadiums as a solo artist, but I'm not like that.

There are times when I've been feeling something and played a solo that I've never been able to repeat.

A great solo is one that's so frail that it actually teeters on the edge of falling apart, but doesn't.

It's better to have no cofounder than to have a bad cofounder, but it's still bad to be a solo founder.

Now because he saved the day they're making another solo Hulk movie after the second Avengers comes out.

It was never the goal to be a solo performer. It was just something that made the most sense at the time.

Wherever I went, crowds appeared again, and I started making solo albums for the first time in my career.

When I was 25, Abba was formed. After Abba I made three solo albums. Maybe I have been productive enough.

You don't know that you're not a solo artist or standup comedian or drag cabaret artist until you try it.

Not being white has never prevented me from enjoying Luke Skywalker or Han Solo. These are heroes of mine.

The first CD I ever bought was Gwen Stafani's first solo album. She was the light of my life when I was 8.

I enjoy my work, no matter who I am working with. Even if you give me a solo silent film, I will enjoy it.

As a singer-songwriter, a solo artist with a guitar, I can only write so many weepie little bedroom songs.

I'm competitive with anyone who writes a good song - I don't care if it's a band or solo artist or whoever.

I think playing solo is a second rate activity, really. For me, playing is about playing with other people.

I fix things all the time. Every time I do a solo, I re-check it and correct things that don't hit the mark.

The expectation on me as a solo artist is very different to the audience's expectation of a Pink Floyd show.

Even when I'm making my own solo records, I'm collaborating with people. It keeps things interesting for me.

I do some solo, acoustic stuff, but I also like plugging in my electric guitar and playing loud with a band.

I wrote a whole solo album and recorded some of it, even did a little tour with Sara Lee and Gail Ann Dorsey.

Mick Jagger can't even make a successful solo album, and the Stones are the biggest rock group that ever was.

The radio is playing jazz, and I listen to the sound of the trumpet playing a solo until I become that sound.

This is a Solo Flight, but I want aviation enthusiasts and adventurers everywhere to join me in the endeavour.

I see myself as a composer who plays music and likes to play with other people, and not just as a solo artist.

When I was 15, I made a solo record. It made Artie very unhappy. He looked upon it as something of a betrayal.

I think for most people it's hard to understand what it is about swimming - I mean it's such a solo endeavour.

Since I was the solo artist as well as the writer for the songs, I figured I had enough credits on it already.

There was no such thing as a solo career in East Germany. You had to get the best orchestra job that you could.

Solo artists are generally totally insane. Elton John? Slightly eccentric. George Michael? He's mad as custard.

Not everybody likes or understands a drum solo, so I like to bring in effects and sounds to keep their interest.

You make one solo album, and some people swear you're about to leave the band or there are creative differences.

I can never understand how a solo could ever be 'uncool.' Play something good, and it won't be uncool, you know?

As a solo performer, it's total involvement. What I do is to break down the wall between audience and performer.

I guess you can look at Fleetwood Mac as the 'Pirates Of The Caribbean' movies and my solo career as indie films.

With the solo stuff, it's like starting over from scratch. It's rolling up your sleeves and getting down to work.

When it comes to individual bloggers, they have many choices now that include blogging for a network or going solo.

Usually when you put five girls together, especially when they've been solo artists, it doesn't turn out very well.

I think that was the whole idea behind doing the solo record was to be able to do musically whatever I wanted to do.

I have done a few solo projects that I really enjoyed and would love to have time to do more. Key word here is time!

In 'Solo,' I play a girl, who is full of life. Since it is a bilingual, the character has two names in two languages.

I have many friends who had kids solo, who adopted, who used surrogates - no one was judging them - it's a new world!

One of the reasons why I started creating my solo show is so that I have a place to put all of the accents that I do.

I feel like there's something in me that desires to express myself even more and not be so afraid of a solo endeavor.

I didn't have the confidence to leave the band because of a solo career, or anything like that. I just wanted to grow.

As funny as it sounds, the best thing I got out of making a solo record was to realize how much I love being in a band.

As you know, I was a solo singer, something I just got very much used to. Turns out I'm quite enjoying being in a band!

I love Lauryn Hill when she first came out with her solo project because it felt like she just knew what she was doing.

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