I love good, loud speakers.

I'm a motivational speaker.

I'm a horrible public speaker.

I didn't say the things I said.

A good speaker does not stutter.

I'm the queen of outside speakers.

I love tearing people's speakers up.

I never wanted to be a public speaker.

I do not speak of what I cannot praise.

I built all the speaker cabinets myself.

Most speakers speak ten minutes too long.

I know you will guess all I leave unsaid.

Better never begin than never make an end.

Most people have to talk so they won't hear.

Great speakers are not born, they're trained.

It is delivery that makes the orators success.

Opening amenities are often opening inanities.

What bores the listener bores the speaker too.

The unprepared speaker has a right to be afraid.

He was the keynote speaker for our better angels.

Andy Andrews is the best speaker I have ever seen.

We talk little when we do not talk about ourselves.

The trouble with me is that I like to talk too much.

Sorrow spoken lends a little courage to the speaker.

Listening is harvesting what is in the speaker's mind.

The more you are talked about the less powerful you are.

I listen to a lot of TED talks and motivational speakers.

Generally, TED speakers are believers in the scientific method.

I haven't done the profoundly impactful work many TED speakers have.

Order and disorder', said the speaker, 'they each have their beauty.

I escaped from slavery and became a leading abolitionist and speaker.

The best speakers are the ones who have put 10,000 hours into listening.

My persona is less miserable than a lot of contemporary poetry speakers are.

A career public speaker is not what I'm called to be. I'm called to be a critic.

Lincoln was the greatest speaker and he was ridiculed for how he looked, you know?

Our public men are speaking every day on something, but they ain't saying anything.

Ultimately, the best speakers are the ones who have put 10,000 hours into listening.

All the English speakers, or almost all, have difficulties with the gender of words.

Anytime students shout down a speaker who says something different, this is not good.

I have speakers all over my house because music is such a huge, huge part of who I am.

An actor is an expert at being someone else. A speaker is an expert at being themselves.

We cannot be speakers who do not listen. But neither can we be listeners who do not speak.

A talk is a voyage. It must be charted. The speaker who starts nowhere, usually gets there.

I haven't spoken English with native speakers in several months. I've been speaking Arabic.

I got a man cave. I play my music loud. I bought big speakers because I need to hear music loud.

I was not called to be a preacher. I am a speaker who is a Christian. I'm not a Christian speaker.

it makes a great difference to a speaker whether he has something to say, or has to say something.

...the problem with words is that once spoken, they cannot find their way back to the speaker alone.

The present indicative asserts something which is occuring while the speaker is making the statement.

'Translations Through Speakers' was literally, I'm translating very spottily what my aspirations are.

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