I'm not beholden to one party or any special interests.

People like Elizabeth Dole have given too much power to the special interests.

We need a simpler, fairer tax code that protects taxpayers. Not special interests.

We pay a price when special interests win out over the collective national interest.

We have to knock down the barriers erected by greed, special interests, powerful forces.

We need real campaign finance reform to loosen the grip of special interests on politics.

Our government works best when it represents the needs of the American people, not special interests.

In Ohio, we must put fairness to people and their families first, ahead of powerful special interests.

I will give everyday Kentuckians a voice in Washington - not just special interests or the wealthiest 1%.

The Federal Communications Commission needs to listen and serve the American people, not special interests.

Here in Maine, we know that the system of special interests influencing elections runs contrary to our democratic values.

Private monopolies run by special interests should not get to raise taxes and set regulatory policy for the United States.

The ban on assault weapons was a good and necessary law that was allowed to lapse through the influence of special interests.

People are looking for a leader independent of powerful, wealthy special interests that always push to the front of the line.

Democrats believe we must create jobs, not protect the special interests; build the economy from the middle out, not the top down.

For too long, Missouri has been run by career politicians, owned by corrupt consultants, high-paid lobbyists and special interests.

Conservation is not without its critics and opposition. There are a lot of special interests that don't want to see land set aside.

I ran for Congress to give Kansans a real voice in Washington, D.C. - not to let our priorities be drowned out by special interests.

Citizens United provided unprecedented political weaponry to big special interests. My personal view was it was calculated to do that.

Sen. Obama comes from the old Chicago machine politics and has never taken on the special interests in his party on a major issue ever.

Our electoral process has created perverse incentives that have warped our democracy and empowered special interests and a vocal minority.

Lots of special interests play the immigrant blame game every day because they like things the way they are and don't see a need for change.

Our best path to economic growth and global competitiveness is to invest in our people - not to provide huge new tax breaks to special interests.

The fact is, Missouri's budget is broken. For decades, insiders, special interests, lobbyists and prior politicians have made a mess of our budget.

Be it terrorists or 'blinded by greed' capitalists or 'deaf and dumb and siloed' officials, special interests will always tyrannize the common good.

Journalism's ultimate purpose is to inform the reader, to bring him each day a letter from home and never to permit the serving of special interests.

When I have to choose between voting for the people or the special interests, I always stick with the special interests. They remember. The people forget.

Over the past few years special interests have had a larger and larger say over who gets what in America, and the voices of average citizens are being shut out.

The era of special interests blocking progress on every issue from access to health care to the cost of prescription drugs to tackling climate change has to end.

A lot of what is preventing us from getting things done on the federal level is that there is too much influence from special interests over members of Congress.

People are rapidly losing hope and trust. They believe their government has been captured by special interests and no longer cares about them, and they are right.

This year, we are going to take our government out of the hands of corporate special interests and put it back into the hands of Ohio families - where it belongs.

If he truly thinks he can be president, Donald Trump needs to understand that we need real solutions - not more walls and giveaways to polluting special interests.

Mr. President, the buzz saw that your healthcare bill ran into wasn't lobbyists and special interests it was tens of millions of American's who were saying, 'Stop!'

The pressure of special interests, the demands of special sections of the state, the needs of friends, all must be subordinated to the good of the people as a whole.

We need a new generation of leaders who can put their country over their political party to do what's right for Kentucky and are not bought off by special interests.

The Congress is virtually incapable of passing any reforms unless they first get permission from the powerful special interests who are most affected by the proposal.

The precise point at which a tax deduction becomes a 'loophole' or a tax incentive becomes a 'subsidy for special interests' is one of the great mysteries of politics.

The Reagan tax reform delivered real fairness, closing loopholes for Washington special interests so that all Americans could keep more of their hard-earned paychecks.

While Matt Bevin helps insiders, wealthy CEOs and special interests, I'm running to be a governor who works for Kentucky families who are still struggling to get ahead.

It's not empirically wrong to say that Washington isn't working for the American people and Washington does too many things for powerful special interests and it's broken.

Special interests and opponents have figured out how easy it is to disrupt town halls and get their own message out. The days of the truly free-form town halls may be over.

I ask you: turn a deaf ear to the special interests. Let politics stand down for a while. don't waste anytime thinking about future elections until we've done our jobs here.

Democrats want to use the slowdown as an excuse to do what their special interests are always begging for: higher taxes, bigger government and less trade with other nations.

After 24 years in Washington, Senator Collins has become part of that broken system, putting special interests and her political party first. And Mainers know it and feel it.

We need to prioritize ending the influence of corporate special interests and secret money on politicians by limiting the amount of money they can spend on political campaigns.

Donald Trump has courageously taken on the entrenched special interests who sought to suppress the working people of this country and who have sought to deny them a livable wage.

The major reform legislation, Dodd-Frank, was named after two guys bought and sold by special interests, and one of them should be shouldering a good amount of blame for the crisis.

As dismayed as Americans are with the influence of the special interests that finance election campaigns, they've been reluctant to embrace the alternative: taxpayer-financed elections.

As I was running for Congress in 2018, people across my district voiced a clear concern that Washington wasn't working for them, and was instead serving corporate and special interests.

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