Spencer is nearly as much of a neat freak as me!

Spencer's god was Evolution, sometimes also called Progress.

Henry Fonda gave me a spanking during a scene in Spencer's Mountain.

I've worked with an awful lot of people. Katy Hepburn, Spencer Tracy.

Octavia Spencer is, I think, one of the coolest people you will ever meet.

Stanley Kramer? Spencer Tracy? No one turns down being in a movie with them.

Patrick Lencioni, Spencer Johnson, and Stephen Covey are great communicators.

Now I want to work with Octavia Spencer, because I met her and she's really funny.

I think ageing suits me because I was born old, like Spencer Tracy or Dolly the Sheep.

I was real into Devo, Pavement, Captain Beefheart, and the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion.

I have some rhythm, but I definitely learned a lot from Jamal Sims and Spencer Henderson.

I went to Europe with Spencer Tracy. What a thrill, working with John Ford when I was a kid.

Buy one pair of knickers or underpants from Marks & Spencer. Then you'll truly be like a Brit!

I don't think I've ever been accused of being faddish. I'm more Marks & Spencer than Ted Baker.

I'll never forget Spencer Tracy. He only worked from nine to one - then from three to five again.

My favorite actors when I was a kid were in their '60s. Spencer Tracy, Humphrey Bogart, John Wayne.

When Lady Diana Spencer first visited Balmoral, aged 19, she charmed all the Royals and the Queen especially.

I am a proud participant of the Spencer Tracy School of Acting: Know your lines, don't bump into the furniture.

Representative Spencer Bachus is one of the only people I know from Alabama. I bet I'm the only socialist he knows.

Mini-skirts, Prada and Agnes B are for New York and L.A. Washington is more America's equivalent of Marks & Spencer.

It doesn't matter if it's Spencer Dinwiddie, Taurean Prince, DeAndre Jordan, I'm trying to win that matchup every time.

Just because I don't want to stand on stage with Richard Spencer or Baked Alaska doesn't make me any less conservative.

I always wanted to work with Spencer Tracy, which never happened, although I knew him well. And I never worked with Cary Grant.

I love Octavia Spencer. I love what she has to say as a human, and I love her career and the variety of characters she has played.

I honestly never considered myself an actor. An actor would be someone like Paul Muni or Spencer Tracy. I was more of a personality.

Taming Spencer wasn't anything to do with me. He had already grown up and was ready for a relationship. Ready for this kind of relationship.

If I am to be remembered for anything I have done in this profession, I would like it to be for the four films in which I directed Spencer Tracy.

Though a fine writer, Scott Spencer will forever be associated with a cheesy, sentimental film starring the vapid box-office draw Brooke Shields.

Clarence Darrow was a unique and courageous man. Several of my favourite actors have played Darrow... Henry Fonda, Orson Welles and Spencer Tracy.

People like Spencer Tracy held up because they had the background originally, but to this day they never have changed Mr. Gable's role, or most of them.

Spencer Tracy was a man who did very much what I do on a set, and that is, he comes down and he does his job, and then he goes back to his dressing room.

I was on the set when I was five years old with Spencer Tracy. A lot of what I learned growing up in terms of artistry is very clean, very tidy, very organized.

I support Richard Spencer's right to say what he wants. He can be nasty about Jewish people, he has a right to free speech, but I don't want to be a part of that.

When I did that interview with Hepburn, the only ground rule was, you did not discuss Spencer Tracy. Spencer Tracy's widow is still alive, and she respected that.

White people use their literature to maintain culture. That's why you find references to Milton and Spencer and Shakespeare and Dostoyevsky in contemporary novels.

The original Spencer Tracy version of 'The Old Man and the Sea' was always terribly flawed because of the over-reliance on voice over, but it's still a beautiful movie.

Of course there may well be particular reasons why Spencer rather than others is dead, as there were also particular reasons why he rather than others made such a stir.

I cannot tell you much about the picture- it depends on so many things, the first of which that comes to my mind is: splendid as he is, is there too much of Spencer Tracy.

When I saw Spencer Tracy in 'The Old Man and the Sea,' I realised the distinction between being an actor and a film star. He was both, and I, too, resolved to try and be both.

Lady Diana Spencer looked to relatively unknown designers - David and Elizabeth Emanuel, recently graduated from the Royal College of Art - when she wed Prince Charles in 1981.

The easiest bit is when you're talking. It's listening that is so difficult. If you get out any Spencer Tracy film, you think, 'Wow, he's doing nothing, yet he's doing everything.'

The little boy, Spencer Breslin, it was just so great to have a kid on set. He is talented, he's a pro. He's been doing this for years, I think he started when he was four or five.

Growing up, I really looked up to the classic Hollywood actors like Spencer Tracy, Robert Mitchum, and Peter Falk. I love character actors - I've never wanted to be the leading guy.

The three actors I admire the most are all dead. Humphrey Bogart, Spencer Tracy and the French actor, Jean Gabin. They're all very natural, sort of masculine without being overly macho.

There are many actors who have inspired me: Spencer Tracy for his incredible elegance and, of course, Cary Grant. But, there's also an Italian actor I admire a great deal: Alberto Sordi.

From the moment we met on 'The Jump' we were best friends. We really enjoyed each other's company and we hung out a lot so I knew that, if nothing else, I had made a friend for life in Spencer.

Spencer is quite romantic every day - he's very affectionate. He sets his alarm early so that we can have snuggles before he gets out of bed - I know that sounds so cringey but we do actually do that.

It's often the guests you don't expect to be interesting who are the best. On 'Light Lunch,' I remember a guest called Ivor Spencer. He was the Royal Toastmaster and he was great, a real good-time guy.

As a medical doctor and cardiac surgeon, I had the responsibility of performing open-heart surgery on President Spencer W. Kimball in 1972, when he was Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

When I am cast in a movie where I feel that the woman's part is more interesting, I usually start thinking about Spencer Tracy and Fred Astaire. They seem to be the most clear actors when working with women.

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