I love spicy food.

I only eat spicy food.

I'm spicy and I've got skills.

I am as spicy as a green chili.

I'm not very good with spicy food.

There's nothing like simple spicy egg bhurji.

My favourite is spicy cocktails with chillies.

I love Italian, Mexican, Thai. Something spicy.

I prefer more spicy food to your Italian to be fair.

I know I'm kind of a wuss when it comes to spicy foods.

I love spicy food, love it. But wasabi is just painful.

A good spicy challenge strikes a balance between flavour and fear.

Trying mirchi vada was like an achievement for me as it's too spicy!

I am an extremely adventurous eater and an avid lover of spicy food.

I am not into spicy foods. Big Red chewing gum is even too 'hot' for me.

I like all of McClure's pickles, but my personal favorites are the spicy ones.

For me, Hyderabad was all about summer holidays, rasam rice, spicy pickles, and more.

It's like spicy food - sometimes you have to tone it down so more people can enjoy it.

I'm trying to lead a good Christian life, so there ain't too much spicy to tell about me.

My favorite time of day is to get up and eat leftovers from dinner, especially spicy food.

They say Latina women are spicy. But we are more than that. We have power, and we run things.

I love spicy food, so I'm not sure why I have this aversion to wasabi, but I really detest it.

Most people don't know that I'll eat anything spicy. A little extra kick is always a good thing!

My standard Nando's order is a chicken breast burger served 'medium,' which is still fairly spicy.

Haggis is delicious. It is wonderful. It's spicy, it's tasty, and you get vegetarian haggis as well.

I had to give up a lot of foods that I'm accustomed to eating: dairy products, beer, wine, spicy food.

They may be small, but microgreens are intensely flavorful, ranging from sweet to spicy to tart to sour.

I had to train myself to like spicy foods as I got older because they weren't a part of my upbringing at all.

I love roast dinners, simple avocado salads, spicy Vietnamese papaya salad, all fish and seafood, a good steak.

Me and my mom are pretty cool. My mother's Caribbean, and she gets a little spicy, and I get a little spicy back.

I'm a fairly traditional British cook, as my partner Cathy doesn't enjoy spicy food, although I like to experiment myself.

The song 'Stick'? That needed to be chunky and sexy. It's human. It's human to be the girl in 'Stick' and feel spicy as heck.

Chipotles, which are dried jalapeno peppers, give out a terrific smoky flavour - they're warm, earthy and usually not too spicy.

One thing my fans don't know about me is how much I love guacamole! But it has to be a little chunky and just a little bit spicy.

Louisiana's spicy, colorful politics have saddled our state with a reputation for tolerating lax ethical standards in government.

I've got this thing for spicy stuff. Now, if you give me hot chocolate with chili pepper, a book and a bubble bath, I'm a happy girl.

I lick the cheese off Doritos and put them back in the bag. I will eat pretty much anything as long as it's salty. Or sweet. Or spicy.

While we Brits love a curry, the French get their spicy kicks from the culinary traditions bestowed by their North African population.

I love Cheetos, those hot, spicy kind. And chocolate. Every time I'm in the airport I'm buying Cheetos and eating them on the airplane.

People ask me all the time, 'What keeps you up at night?' And I say, 'Spicy Mexican food, weapons of mass destruction, and cyber attacks.'

Louisiana was as close to South Asia as the United States could get: it had spicy food, humidity, giant cockroaches, and a corrupt government.

What I love is Mexican hot chocolate, like a spicy hot chocolate - adding cayenne pepper to the Hershey's cocoa and making a spicy-sweet treat.

We Houstonians are a spicy lot. We raise our babies with tongues of fire, mostly lit by chips and salsa. Our blood is as thick and warm as queso.

Indian cinema gives you everything that western cinema doesn't. It's maseladar and spicy. If you like Indian food, I think you'll love Indian movies.

In America they like my spicy TV alter ego, probably because there were a lot of Italians and Hispanics in the country, but the real L.A. life is a hard-working one.

I also have a soft spot for spicy chicken wings. They are always best eaten at dives and sports bars, like Wogie's in the West Village, New York City, near my house.

I look at a basketball laying on the ground, and it makes me think of something. Popcorn ball. How 'bout a spicy popcorn ball? That is how my mind is always working.

I can't go spicy. It's just not in my taste buds. So I'll avoid the jalapenos, but I'll go cheese - and honestly, I would say pork is a little better than chicken with nachos.

I really love Indian food, especially if you can get it spicy. Any food you can get spicy I really love, and Indian food is just so flavorful: a lot of onion, a lot of garlic.

The hardest is foods I am not familiar with. Gyros, I lost that one; I don't like tzatziki sauce very much. I did kimchi in Korea, which was rough: fermented cabbage and spicy.

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