My last name is all I have. I try to carry that to a high standard by setting high expectations.

Human rights is a universal standard. It is a component of every religion and every civilization.

A fiduciary standard means, basically, put the interests of the client first. No excuses. Period.

For the Olympics, I'm mostly training in the gym, so I'm running laps on the standard speed wall.

There is no standard 'therapeutic process,' since there are so many different schools of therapy.

There's no musical landscape to poetry. It has somewhat of a higher standard than songs, I think.

The goal, as Compaq has stated all along in its history, is to support an open industry standard.

My husband didn't want me to wear any black hairstyles. Nicole Kidman was his standard of beauty.

Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the rest is in the hands of God.

We may play in a contemporary rock vein, use standard bebop themes, and many other things besides.

My standard Nando's order is a chicken breast burger served 'medium,' which is still fairly spicy.

My faith and family has helped me a great deal in that it helps me to live to a different standard.

We have been maintaining a standard of living by putting things on the debt of the next generation.

People never improve unless they look to some standard or example higher or better than themselves.

When I got to college, I didn't take writing classes, just the standard freshman composition class.

If the standard for art is the decency of its creators, we're going to have a lot of empty museums.

I do not think of myself as a standard bearer for Asian players. I just try to work hard for myself.

The very essence of the creative is its novelty, and hence we have no standard by which to judge it.

I love '30 Rock.' It's one of my favorite shows. It's certainly the gold standard of comedy writing.

I've been blessed to have an amazing mom and two amazing sisters - so they set a very high standard.

Stopping and returning illegal migrants to their countries of origin must become standard procedure.

I'm on the MIT board, and a lot of our buildings now have daycare centers; it's becoming a standard.

Sometimes people who are Jewish are held to a higher standard which sometimes we take great pride in.

I still do the standard editorial cartoon: that is my bread and butter. I absolutely love doing that.

I'm considered a huge model because I'm a size six. But... I had a standard body size for catalogues.

I think you need to have people around you whose standard is high and who don't accept anything less.

The destiny of world civilization depends upon providing a decent standard of living for all mankind.

I never had a special social media clause, I had a standard contract, the same as every other player.

Over time, the federal government should move the nation to a single standard, clean-burning gasoline.

I know I have to live up to the hype wherever I go. If I'm an inch below the standard, it'll be chaos.

After my 12th standard, I started preparing for the film industry. I've had no formal acting training.

I'm not looking to set a standard... but, I believe I have offered a challenge to others with my work.

Every generation renews itself in its own way; there's always a reaction against whatever is standard.

I don't mess with Mase no more, because me, personally, I just go by a different standard than people.

There's not one person that sets the standard better to be a New York Football Giant than Eli Manning.

I've grown up on Bob Dylan and all that, but there was a certain standard set up by people before 1955.

Celebrity-spotting is pretty standard at Davos. It's one of the things that makes it easy to criticise.

You can't raise the standard of women's morals by raising their pay envelope. It lies deeper than that.

Anything less than gold is a failure to me. It's extreme pressure, but I hold myself to a high standard.

The standard publishing contract is replete with clauses that strip authors of control over their books.

Last year in a historic move, the state of New York passed the very first cigarette fire safety standard.

I'll take a carb any day of the week, but if I'm being pressed, then I'm sort of into the standard bagel.

The truth is an objective standard by which reality is measured; it's God's point of view on any subject.

A disposition to preserve, and an ability to improve, taken together, would be my standard of a statesman.

It is a sad reality that active shooter drills are a standard way of life for kids as young as pre-school.

Standard English is very imperialistic, controlled, and precise; it's not got a lot of funk or soul to it.

'National Review' and 'The Weekly Standard' are both left-wing magazines, and I want to destroy them also.

The problems with First Ladies is that you have to set the standard. My role is to be both star and slave.

By any objective standard, Joaquin Guzman Loera is an evil man who has caused untold suffering for others.

Many players are of the same standard; it all depends on how your strokes land on the other side of court.

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