My father was a guitar player, and I was raised with a super high standard of what good guitar playing was.

It is amazing to win an event but to do it with the best standard ever been known in a final is incredible.

A standard 'well woman' checkup can last as little as 10 minutes, hardly time for any in-depth discussions.

My standard comment is, 'If you don't want your kids to be like Bart Simpson, don't act like Homer Simpson.'

I want ordinary people to enjoy a decent standard of living, with ever increasing security, comfort and joy.

Educate the masses, elevate their standard of intelligence, and you will certainly have a successful nation.

I began taking liberties a long time ago; now it is standard practice for most directors to ignore the rules.

One of the reasons I don't trust the media is you can't have a double standard for guys you like and dislike.

A standard international language should not only be simple, regular, and logical, but also rich and creative.

For decades, Wall Street has charged companies a standard fee of 7 percent to sell their shares to the public.

Each generation faces different issues and challenges, but our standard must always be measured by God's Word.

Ed Reed is a legend. Ed Reed will always be the standard that, as players, we look up to and strive to be like.

I think we should just tip the government if it does a good job. Fifteen percent is the standard tip, isn't it?

Boxing isn't just about fighting people, it's about being a standard bearer. You become a beacon for the people.

You need a certain standard of literacy, moral and ethical values, to be able to run a one man, one vote system.

I hate to take compromises with a racing car. The more standard a car is, the more compromises you have to take.

I just want to make a classic. Classic is the standard. I'm just trying to make music that will last a lifetime.

There can be an extremist idea of purity. It's so easy to fall afoul of the ridiculously high standard set there.

We often think our legacy will be our achievements. But often our legacy will be whether we set a moral standard.

I hold myself to a very high standard. But you're going to make mistakes. You've got to erase it and move forward.

Our children and grandchildren are not going to have the same standard of living unless we educate that workforce.

I have to try and uplift the standard of living for the people in Zambia. If I cannot do that, I will have failed.

Music should change. Technically, we have come a long way - matching up to the international standard. It is good.

I'm not afraid to coach guys. But I am going to coach them to win, and I am going to hold them to a high standard.

I had the standard movie geek childhood, because for as long as I can remember, all I wanted to do was make movies.

Italian companies need to re-convert themselves, and such a re-conversion must be toward a better, higher standard.

Nice olive oil is fairly easy to find at your standard grocery store, but there are fewer options of nice vinegars.

I dropped out of school after my tenth standard. But both my elder brother and younger brother are highly educated.

On a standard space shuttle crew, two of the astronauts have a test pilot background - the commander and the pilot.

The standard Bristol set at being a mother is high for a woman to have to step into. She, as a mom, is crushing it.

When it comes to guys, my dad is the measure of the perfect man. And that's a pretty tough standard to match up to.

Horror by definition is the emotion of pure revulsion. Terror of the same standard, is that of fearful anticipation.

'When Harry Met Sally' will endure. It will be the standard rom-com that others will improvise on for years to come.

I don't believe in pulling punches or being judicious, as the standard in literary criticism or academic musicology.

Never try to impress a woman, because if you do she'll expect you to keep up the standard for the rest of your life.

I miss the standard of the New York Philharmonic's playing very much. It has certainly been a high point in my life.

I feel very passionate about maintaining the same level of standard and respect for the food as an Iron Chef myself.

People will buy a good electrical car instead of buying a fossil-fuel one, and you get a much better standard of car.

My greatest strength is common sense. I'm really a standard brand - like Campbell's tomato soup or Baker's chocolate.

The Spanish and German leagues are of a very high standard. Along with the Premier League, they are probably the best.

Our aims are absolutely clear: They are a high living standard in the country and a secure, free and comfortable life.

Obama is like the kid brother whose only standard for judging his own achievements is the records his big brother set.

I accept that I didn't play very well in Italy for the two years. It was lower than my Ajax standard. I don't know why.

I am tired of people telling me that black people are beneath a standard when we have to be twice as good all the time.

After my 10th standard, my life took me into the world of cinema, but I never severed my ties with my love for reading.

True love does not only encompass the things that make you feel good, it also holds you to a standard of accountability.

I refuse to accept other people's ideas of happiness for me. As if there's a 'one size fits all' standard for happiness.

I felt like there was a certain standard that we held 'Strangers' to, so I think about that whenever I work on something.

Training isn't fun for me. I do it because it's what my body needs, and I have a standard. It's a thing I make sure I do.

A dwarf who brings a standard along with him to measure his own size, take my word, is a dwarf in more articles than one.

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