Somehow, I don't think Jesus came to Earth to ring the bell at the ...

Somehow, I don't think Jesus came to Earth to ring the bell at the New York Stock Exchange.

I come from a tough stock.

Nobody wants to be a laughing stock.

I don't put too much stock in polls.

I don't know anything about a stock!

I don't put a lot of stock into polls.

Our stock in trade is raw, flailing sex.

Stock kernels will be the norm for some time.

Glamour is what I sell, it's my stock in trade.

I wish I had some stock in a scrunchie company.

I'm going to retain a lot of Microsoft's stock.

I hate weekends because there is no stock market.

The studio system reminds me of the stock market.

I own stock, and I also insure my car with Geico.

My father was an investment banker, a stock broker.

Never invest emergency savings in the stock market.

I'm from durable stock. I'm made to work. I'm Irish.

When you have a good stock, you can make a good soup.

If a business does well, the stock eventually follows.

China's stock market is inextricably tied to politics.

If Tung Chee-hwa dies, the stock market will take off.

Some, but much of my money is tied up in Playboy stock.

It's just not good to put stock in a Hollywood celebrity.

The stock market is a discounter of all known information.

I have invested in the stock market since I was very young.

Just because a stock is down doesn't mean it's a great buy.

I think businesses live longer that are on the stock market.

I had the offer to race Stock Cars. I refused the first time.

I think most CEOs think their stock is undervalued, probably.

The stock market lives in the present. I live for the unseen.

Loads of players love the stock markets. For me, it's fashion.

Early in my career, we were just pure bottoms-up stock pickers.

I started out in summer stock, and that's really what I prefer.

I'm not a stock expert by any means. Stocks go up; they go down.

I tried paying at a restaurant with stock options. It didn't work.

For the impious act begets more after it, like to the parent stock.

I was 5 years old when the stock market crashed; I lost everything.

Like a bank run, a decline in stock prices creates its own momentum.

I've took stock of things and said, 'Right I've got to think of me.'

It turned out it was really easy to create commercial stock footage.

I am not criticizing investing in the stock market; I am an investor.

Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.

I don't give a damn about the stock market. But I do care about jobs.

The day I was announced as CEO, I think the stock dropped another 20%.

The stock from a pigeon is unique. It's much better than quail or duck.

The robust benefits of employee stock ownership plans are hard to beat.

The stock market is a giant distraction from the business of investing.

I've always been big, my brothers are my size, we come from good stock.

I had thought of joining my dad in his stock broking business in Delhi.

Anyone with a pension or retirement is an investor in the stock market.

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