Creativity flows when curiosity is stoked.

I would love to be a travel writer. I'd be so stoked.

I am stoked to go over to Japan and experience that culture.

I want to stay where I am. I'm stoked to be a country artist.

Age doesn't affect me. With ALS, I am just stoked to have another year.

Actors too need directors who can fire their imagination. The fire needs to be stoked.

I've got an awesome career happening, and I absolutely am so stoked with how it's all worked out.

I think, if I had a dad, I would have went the normal college route. I'm so stoked my life panned out how it was.

Muslim anger has, of course, been stoked by America's war in Iraq and by Israel's brutal policies toward Palestine and Lebanon.

I can't wait to see The Grinch. It's so out of the world. Every time a movie like that comes out, I'm stoked. It's like real life.

I always get super stoked to go to the Open, because it's in my home state. I get to stay in my parents' house and get to eat pancakes.

It's great to have the opportunity to reach out to people that don't know much about snowboarding so they can see it and get stoked on it.

If there isn't a deep core reason for a film existing, what is the point? For me to be known as a filmmaker that makes films that have a point, I'm stoked.

If we did end tomorrow, I would be so stoked and proud of everything I've done and how I lived my life. I feel like I've had enough experiences for multiple lives.

I learned the songs and played the gigs, and then they called me about a month later. They told me they were like super stoked on me and asked me to join their band.

In my 100th video, I gave a shout-out to the 78 subscribers I had at that point. And I was stoked at that point just to have that many who cared about what I had to say.

President Trump has harnessed the fear and prejudice that have accompanied every wave of immigrants in United States history, and stoked those fears to further his own agenda.

I was actually with Conor Oberst on tour, and we were walking down the street getting a coffee. I walked into a random hipster-y coffee shop and I heard my own song, and I was so stoked.

I'm stoked because no one's really even seen Bo yet. It took me half the season to get used to not having a guitar wrapped around my neck. So I'm anxious for the fans to see what Bo's really about.

It's scary to me to watch the world around us get less and less physical while in the imaginary world of pop culture, aggressive impulses and fear reactions are floridly, furiously stoked and indulged.

I got to watch my heroes meet him and saw how they reacted, whether it was Joe Strummer or Tom Waits. It was peculiar. I'm so stoked to meet Tom Waits, and he's so nervous to meet my dad. It's a head spin.

I already knew a lot about the ground aspects of MMA, being a wrestler, but there was so much more. There was kicking, punching, and other things I wish I could have done as a wrestler. It really stoked my interest.

As a movie fan, I remember Quentin Tarantino and Lawrence Bender and the sort of energy around 'Reservoir Dogs,' and the jump from 'Reservoir Dogs' to 'Pulp Fiction,' and how everybody was stoked on Quentin's career.

I'll know when a song's really awesome, for sure, and I get super stoked, and I'm so high when I'm hearing it back, but then you sit with the record forever. You're mixing it, and you can really just over-think everything.

Though blessed with many able administrators, the British found India just too large and diverse to handle. Many of their decisions stoked Hindu-Muslim tensions, imposing sharp new religious-political identities on Indians.

You want to be excited about what you're doing. So whenever I get tired, I think, 'Would ten-year-old Adam be pretty stoked on what I'm doing and what's happening?' So I just live my life as if I'm using my ten-year-old brain.

I love playing different characters and I love doing fun things and I love to entertain people, whether that be in a comedy or a drama. If I get you to laugh or I get you to cry I'm super stoked, as morbid as that might sound.

There aren't a whole lot of things I want out of life. My bucket list is extremely short: Achieve the success in the industry I want, and get married. If I achieve both of those, I can die completely stoked. I don't need anything else.

I'm so proud of this show and I'm really stoked that fans were so enthusiastic about the show so quickly. I mean, I got recognized for 'Arrow' at the airport when I was headed to Vancouver to shoot the second episode. That was kind of crazy.

If the movie is good then great, but if it's not then God, I feel so bad for that person with their face fifty feet tall, all blown up. Some people would be happy with that, that as long as their face was out there they're stoked about it. I'm not like that.

I wonder what the most intelligent thing ever said was that started with the word 'dude.' 'Dude, these are isotopes.' 'Dude, we removed your kidney. You're gonna be fine.' 'Dude, I am so stoked to win this Nobel Prize. I just wanna thank Kevin, and Turtle, and all my homies.'

Somebody captures an incredible video, shares it online, and inspires millions of other people to go and do the same with their GoPros, and then it happens again and again - and what you've got is this incredible snowball of stoked customers capturing and creating rad content with their GoPros.

There is a disturbing reincarnation of socialist and nationalist dictatorships raising their heads around the world and even in our own back yard. You see it in places like Venezuela and Bolivia, stoked in no small part by Cuba, and also in Central Asia, and troubling trends in Russia and China.

Punk rock and skateboarding took the 'school' out of living your life, and I related to learning as I went, doing a lot of different things that I liked, when I liked. Consequently, I'm mediocre at all of the above, but still stoked on being a lifetime student of music, skating, painting, writing, etc.

Whenever we come back from another project, we're always so stoked to see each other and play with each other again. I really feel like that's been the key to why we're still together as a band. I remember a period five or six years ago feeling a little burnt out and wasn't sure whether I wanted to keep doing it.

I like New York. I like Philly. I like San Fran. I like when people are stoked. But Chicago's a real music town, and they're really good to us there. There's just something in the air there; people are just really stoked about music. Every time I go there, I have a great time, and the fandom is really heartwarming.

I'm going to do anything in my power to keep creating the path that I want to go down and I want to be a part of and be involved with, and whether or not that means superstardom or making music for the rest of my life and not having to work at a coffee shop, I'm fine. I'm happy. I'm stoked for whatever opportunity arises.

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