As we say in the hood, I'm a stoop kid.

Remember, you can always stoop and pick up nothing.

I will never stoop low to do certain things on camera.

Be wise; soar not too high to fall; but stoop to rise.

When people are lonely they stoop to any companionship.

Wisdom is oftentimes nearer when we stoop than when we soar.

I talk to the audience like I talk to my friends on the stoop.

The cat could very well be man's best friend but would never stoop to admitting it.

No one sits on the stoop when she's a kid and thinks, 'I want to be a biographer when I grow up.'

To keep your character intact you cannot stoop to filthy acts. It makes it easier to stoop the next time.

I don't have power or money and one-sided media support or the inclination to stoop to any level for the sake of power.

There is a loftier ambition than merely to stand high in the world. It is to stoop down and lift mankind a little higher.

You know you're getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you're down there.

Triangle chokes are the refuge for cowards. I would never stoop to that level of locking my legs around a man and squeezing.

All facts prove that the Saenuri Party is a group of traitors who stoop to any infamy to realize its ambition to seize power.

The high-spirited man may indeed die, but he will not stoop to meanness. Fire, though it may be quenched, will not become cool.

I have a picture of me sitting on the step of a brownstone stoop with my mom and all the Muppets around us. And Perry Como, for some reason.

Think not that humility is weakness; it shall supply the marrow of strength to thy bones. Stoop and conquer; bow thyself and become invincible.

When I was maybe 5 or 6 years old, the neighborhood girls would sit on the stoop and sing. I was known as the kid who had a good voice and no father.

I love the story of how my parents met because it seems very 1950s Brooklyn. They met on a brownstone stoop as my father was singing a little doo-wop.

If I talk about my personal issues, they say it is to promote my film. I'm not that desperate that I need to stoop down to such levels to promote my films.

I grew up in New York City, where we played highly unorganized sports: stick ball, stoop ball, and the occasional game of baseball with no adult supervision.

He who refuses to stoop, who cannot be bribed by the promise of success or the fear of failure - who walks the highway of the right, and in disaster stands erect, is the only victor.

In their day, no man worthy of the presidency would ever stoop to campaigning for it. George Washington was asked to serve. Decades later, his successors were also expected to sit by the phone.

I used to build lofts in SoHo back when there was nothing there. I had a stoop on West Broadway between Prince and Spring. My partner and I would sit there, eat dinner, and watch the world go by.

I. cannot stoop to reply to the folly and the slander of every poor Tory partisan who assails me, and I should not have noticed you but for the fact that you are a member of the House of Commons.

My favorite thing to do is just sit outside on the stoop and talk with all my neighbors. I can go out with curlers in my hair, and nobody blinks twice. It's just sad when people want to take a picture!

The true way to be humble is not to stoop until you are smaller than yourself, but to stand at your real height against some higher nature that will show you what the real smallness of your greatness is.

When I was a kid, I'd practise Chopin on piano - and I love Chopin! He's my dawg! Then I'd go out on the stoop and blast the radio. I'm from New York, the concrete jungle. Hip-hop influenced me from day one.

When I was a kid, Halloween was strictly a starchy-vegetable-only holiday, with pumpkins and Indian corn on the front stoop; there was nothing electric, nothing inflatable, nothing with latex membranes or strobes.

The British media is sinking down, as the American news media has lowered the bar for all of humanity. British news media is definitely trying to stoop down to that level. Everyone is stooping to the lowest common denominator.

For my seventh birthday, my parents gave me a plain, unfinished wooden dollhouse. It had six empty rooms, two floors, a staircase, and a door that swung out onto a little front stoop. The windows opened, and the roof retracted on one side, revealing an attic.

My dad grew up in Pittsburgh in the '50s, and he used to sing Four Seasons songs on the stoop. He made me listen to Cousin Brucie - the guy who broke the Four Seasons on the radio. So I knew all of their songs, but I didn't know they were all by the same group.

'All Def' is unlike any other comedy show or set because 'All Def' goes back to the essence of how urban comedy started. We give it a 'stoop appeal.' A stoop appeal is important for us because it's where pretty much all black comics started doing their standup: cracking jokes on the stoop, in the hood.

It was great growing up in Brooklyn. The neighborhood was the street. Everybody would get together after school. Somebody would sit out on a stoop and then five other people, 10 other people would come out - a game of stickball or stoopball or dodgeball - all revolved around a basketball or dodgeball. We had fun.

I love the idea of a tiny window between the back stoop and the pantry, where the milkman would pass through the cheese. But of course, there is no milkman anymore. So somebody coming by the house and seeing the window would say, 'Oh, that must be original, because that's where the milkman passed the cheese through to the pantry.'

I'm the youngest of four kids, with three crazy older brothers. Don't let this hair and face fool you - my brothers helped mold me into the feisty, tough woman I am today. I don't stoop down to anyone. I was raised playing football and being the punching bag for my brothers. I guess you could say that is the root of my aggression and athleticism.

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