I'm a strong woman.

I'm a very strong woman.

My wife is a very strong woman.

Let's be clear, I'm a strong woman.

My mom is a very strong woman, very tough lady.

Being Latina for me is also being a strong woman.

You don't have to play masculine to be a strong woman.

I am a strong woman. I come from a background as a prosecutor.

I think a lot of girls look up to me because I'm a strong woman.

When there is a strong woman character in a story - that always grabs me.

I'm one of those guys who believes that you need a strong woman in your life.

I'm not a strong woman at all. And I'm not a feminist. In fact, I'm very weak.

Being a strong woman is very important to me. But doing it all on my own is not.

Sometimes I wake up and think I look horrible. And sometimes I see a strong woman.

A really strong woman accepts the war she went through and is ennobled by her scars.

A strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not be done.

People make me out to be this super strong woman, but I have my tough days just like anyone else.

My mother was - and is - a very strong woman; very strict. She was a serious mum; a feared parent.

I grew up in a house full of women. I have two older sisters and my mum who is a very strong woman.

I'm really thankful for the popularity of 'Strong Woman Do Bong Soon,' but I know it's only temporary.

I feel like a good mom. I'm a strong woman now... Don't look down on me. Pray for me because I'm trying.

I like to play a strong woman, but a strong woman can also be very fragile and vulnerable at the same time.

When you are a strong woman, you will attract trouble. When a man feels threatened, there is always trouble.

Nicki Minaj is definitely somebody that we love. She is such a powerful, strong woman, and she's so talented.

I still go through times when I'm down. I don't feel like I'm that strong woman that people think I am today.

I love a very alluring woman. I love a strong woman. I love a woman that wanders, that just wants to explore.

You don't read many scripts, especially for crime dramas, that feature a strong woman as the central character.

I think it's important to be that strong woman and to follow your passions regardless of what your situation is.

I like to think that I represent myself as a strong woman, so to work with other strong women I find very inspiring.

I need a strong woman who can handle the attention I get and not get upset if I cuddle a stranger for a social photo.

I'm proud of my curves, my daughter, as well as the harsh past that helped shape me into the strong woman I am today.

I am a strong woman with or without this other person, with or without this job, and with or without these tight pants.

The essence of my work, and of me, is the softer side of a strong woman, and that goes into a number of different roles.

I come from a strong woman who believed - and my father believed - that anything a man could do, a woman could do better.

Because I've got younger sisters, I want to impart on them the possibility of being a strong woman in whatever role I choose.

I am very much aware that I am considered a 'strong woman.' And I am also aware that that is only because I had a child outside wedlock.

I hate the stereotype that women who fight are 'butch' or 'wannabe men.' It's nice to be able to embrace being a beautiful, strong woman.

Ann Romney makes all women proud by the way she has conducted her life as a strong woman of faith, as a mother, as a wife and as a true patriot.

Being completely independent doesn't make you a strong woman - it's being strong enough to trust yourself in other people's hands that takes guts.

Hollywood usually doesn't have strong woman in films like that, and it's stupid, so for the most part they're usually being directed and written by men.

During the early stages of our married life, Pranathi did struggle to adjust for a few months. But she is a very strong woman mentally, stronger than me.

I like to go out there looking like a strong woman, because I am strong. But I am also a woman who goes through all kinds of problems and highs and lows.

I'll always identify with the image of a strong woman. I believe that in what I do and in my sense of self, there's a vindication of women. There's power.

'Night of the Comet' established me as a strong woman. And let's face it, this business is very surface and one dimensional - so it's easy to get typecast.

The best part? Probably being able to portray such a respectable, ethical, intelligent, strong woman. That's still pretty rare in our business, unfortunately.

My father left... but I tell my mom - and I told my mom this when I was a kid - I said, 'You know what, Mom? Good thing he left because you're a strong woman.'

I look up to a strong woman; maybe that's why I fell for Gaga. She works incredibly hard and is very strong and inspirational like Mom, with a great work ethic.

I have always looked after my little girl - my wife - and made sure she is in the safest hands possible at all times. She was always an unbelievably strong woman.

I think God made a woman to be strong and not to be trampled under the feet of men. I've always felt this way because my mother was a very strong woman, without a husband.

I'm lucky my wife is a strong woman. She's one of the stronger people I've ever met. It's hard for me to be away, but I know my home life is fine because my wife is there.

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