I struggled for so many years.

I struggled with the limelight.

My mom got 11 kids. We struggled.

I struggled with my confidence a lot.

All my life, I struggled to get roles.

I have struggled hard to attain this fame.

I've struggled a lot for what I have today.

I've struggled just as much as anyone else.

For me, school was a nightmare. I struggled.

I've struggled with skin issues my whole life.

I struggled for so long to try to create a career.

I struggled with math and had no interest in sports.

I struggled for a long time to get anything published.

I have never struggled, and I have never done anything.

When I was younger, I really struggled with confidence.

I've always struggled so much just to appreciate myself.

I always struggled with the idea of forgiving my enemies.

I love acting, so I don't feel that I have ever struggled.

I've been in teams that have struggled and been relegated.

I struggled all the time to find makeup that was light enough.

Personally, I've struggled with a lot of doubt in myself at times.

Growing up, I wasn't a big guy; I struggled to hold on to the ball.

Like Gandhi, my husband had struggled with the issue of materialism.

I have struggled with anxiety and depression since I was a teenager.

I have a strong sympathy for all women who have struggled and suffered.

I struggled for 15 years in this business before Miami Vice came along.

When I came to Aston Villa, they had struggled for two years before then.

My dad's white, my mom's black, and I've struggled with being mixed race.

I am innately very shy, and I have struggled with that challenge for years.

I've always been that person who's struggled to find a swimsuit that I love.

I've struggled so hard to reign in my temper because it actually terrifies me.

So much of school, you have to write, but I just struggled. I couldn't help it.

I think earlier I struggled in a rickshaw and now I am struggling in a Bentley.

Nobody in the Indian subcontinent has suffered or struggled more than Kashmiris.

That's something I've struggled with my entire life - people underestimating me.

For eons, humans have struggled to find less destructive ways of living together.

I am a Christian guy. I've struggled with that; I have struggled with everything.

I've always struggled with Hollywood feeling trivial. Red carpets aren't worth it.

My mom's whole life had been my gymnastics. We struggled to connect when I stopped.

Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.

I have seen in my life, I have struggled so much. I did not get support from anyone.

You never want to see a guy struggle. And we've all struggled. It's part of the game.

Especially for my first album, I struggled with even the thought of being a solo artist.

I struggled for many, many years following 'Music and Lyrics' - I mean really struggled.

I've long struggled with my body image and have worked hard to achieve a healthy weight.

I never understood the importance of fans until we struggled and went through tough times.

Anyone who has ever struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor.

I did not love reading, spelling, math and science. I struggled. I was a terrible speller.

I am listening to a book by the guy who founded Nike, and I can relate to it. He struggled.

If you win without sacrifice you enjoy it but it's more satisfying when you have struggled.

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