I'm a studio rat.

I write in the studio.

I love being in the studio.

I hate filming in the studio.

I love the magic of the studio.

I have my own studio down in Miami.

I live in the studio and I'm inspired.

I am always locked in my design studio.

We allow no geniuses around our Studio.

Big studio comedies are such a headache.

I want to make 20, 30, 50 studio records.

I stay in the studio. I'm a studio junkie.

I'm a big believer of daylight in the studio.

The studio should not have released this film.

The studio that we mix in is still in Chicago.

Being in the studio is a really romantic time.

We used to go to Studio 54 - an amazing place.

I started off as a studio pianist in Hollywood.

I was an original member of the Actors' Studio.

When I'm in the studio, there are no boundaries.

I consider the recording studio where I was born.

The studio system reminds me of the stock market.

I'm big on the studio. I like to stay in it 24/7.

I can never remember what I do even in the studio.

I do love being in my studio. Especially at night.

When I'm outside the studio, there's some paranoia.

It's easy to gain weight when you're in the studio.

We had a very small practice studio in the basement.

I've got a studio at home, and I'm always recording.

I have a rough idea when I walk into a studio though.

I always used to develop a cold going into the studio.

I have a studio at home, and do 3 hours a day that way.

On Eye of the Zombie, I had so-called studio musicians.

The moment I got a very big studio, everything took off.

A lot of getting a song done is booking the studio time.

As soon as I can afford a studio space, I'll paint again.

Good art is never made in studio. Good art I make in life.

I've always been interested in what happens in the studio.

I also have a recording studio that I use to produce bands.

The studio is just a labor. Getting on stage is the reward.

Every time I go into the studio, it's some next level, man.

Being able to have a home studio is the greatest thing ever.

I'm trying to work in studio movies, but they won't hire me.

The studio scene in California is sort of ridiculous anyway.

My studio was on 9th Street between University and Broadway.

I can't get hired in a studio movie. Everything is so uphill.

Just writing and being in the studio was like therapy for me.

On the low, I've been in Kanye's studio, No Name, out in L.A.

Studio 54 made Halloween in Hollywood look like a PTA meeting.

We wanted it more live and raw. We didn't want a studio sound.

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