I am dumb when it comes to learning dance steps.

No one is perfect. Everybody does stupid things.

No one knows what's next, but everybody does it.

Do every stupid thing that makes you feel alive.

I would look a little silly playing Casanova now.

I'm still a, you know, a silly girl... a big kid.

Fashion as King is sometimes a very stupid ruler.

Capitalism is a stupid system, a backward system.

Hiccup: Thank You For Nothing You Stupid Reptile.

Every great idea is on the verge of being stupid.

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.

There is a fine line between stubborn and stupid.

I want life and in all its stupid sticky rawness.

Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.

I didn't get to be this smart by not being stupid

I did it the stupid way, through trial and error.

He is so stupid you can't trust him with an idea.

This book has too much plot and not enough story.

John McCain has not spoken about my Muslim faith.

All we do is read the stupid textbook," said Ron.

I believed him. I was not stupid. I was his wife.

Either i've turned stupid, or life's turned hard.

I get upset when people say Americans are stupid.

We all know the leopard can't change his stripes.

Life is tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid.

There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity.

Isn't it a little racist to call it Black Friday?

I've been doing silly voices since I was a child.

Fashion as King is sometimes a very stupid ruler.

Will the highways on the Internet become more few?

For four years we've been cooperating exhaustively

Audiences may be stupid, but they are never wrong.

There's just not that many videos I want to watch.

I don't care what people think. people are stupid.

China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese.

I might be stupid to think love is love, but I do.

I like 'em big. And stupid. Don't tell my husband.

The system isn't stupid, but the people in it are.

This act will leave a moral blot on his presidency

One can be a great poet and be politically stupid.

This foreign policy stuff is a little frustrating.

There are lessons to be learned from a stupid man.

You know when people are stupid, it frustrates me.

When you are young, you do a lot of stupid things.

Light troubles speak; the weighty are struck dumb.

I've been noticing gravity since I was very young.

We will reduce the White House staff by 25 percent

If you've seen one city slum, you've seen them all.

If it takes a bloodbath now let's get it over with.

When I was labeled stupid, that scarred me forever.

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