The fool knows after he's suffered.

I've suffered from low self-esteem.

I probably suffered with depression.

I've always suffered from depression.

He suffered from paralysis by analysis.

I suffered from asthma when I was a kid.

Gratitude is a sickness suffered by dogs.

The people of Iraq have suffered greatly.

Nobody can imagine how much I've suffered.

I've suffered too much to hide my feelings.

He suffered from a rush of words to the head.

I like someone who's suffered from both sides.

My kids suffered because I wasn't home enough.

I had suffered from depression in my childhood.

I don't know anyone who's suffered lung cancer.

Cancer doesn't care if you have suffered before.

No one has ever suffered from his people as I have.

I've suffered through the worst possible conditions.

People who have suffered know more about compassion.

I truly, truly suffered depression, to the deep core.

I've suffered from anxiety and a lot of other things.

Africa suffered under European dominance for centuries.

Be patient, my soul: thou hath suffered worse than this.

I dished out and suffered my fair share of bloody noses.

I've never suffered stage fright. That fascinates people.

Often an entire city has suffered because of an evil man.

I'd say that the only trauma I've suffered was existential.

I've suffered through depression and anxiety my entire life.

I have suffered a lot from both physical and emotional pain.

I probably suffered from a narcissistic disorder in some way.

It's true that I suffered a lot, especially when I was younger.

When I was younger, about 15, I suffered badly from depression.

I saw a shrink because I thought I suffered from fear of success.

Iranians have suffered economically under the U.S.-led sanctions.

It is difficult to ever think about your loved one having suffered.

Ladies and gentleman, I've suffered for my music, now it's your turn.

I suffered too much and I want to stop the suffering of other people.

I have suffered from depression for most of my life. It is an illness.

I have suffered most of the things I write about - or my friends have.

I have a strong sympathy for all women who have struggled and suffered.

Anyone who's suffered from panic attacks knows how frightening they are.

I never suffered anti-Semitic racism because no one thought I was Jewish.

I've been in some bad TV shows and suffered through so much poor writing.

You cannot understand what it means to be poor until you have suffered it.

Egypt has suffered more ordeals than the other countries to get where it is.

I cannot tell how much my heart suffered for my people while at Leavenworth.

I learned a tremendous amount about dialogue because I suffered as an actor.

Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand.

Anarchy may await America, due to the daily injustices suffered by the people.

Sporting goods sales have suffered because Americans have become too sedentary.

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