Americans love winners, so if we win we know we'll get a lot of support.

I appreciate your support, particularly this year, for sticking with me.

Millions of Americans find community, comfort and support in their faith.

I never apologize for my efforts to support worthy projects that Alabama.

A positive mindset, not a doomsday mentality, supports being exceptional.

I think you have to have a publishing house that offers you some support.

I happen to support that in a way that will actually work to our benefit.

Support for alternate languages will largely depend on the underlying OS.

We are able to walk on air, but only as long as our illusion supports us.

Houston has always showed me love. The city has been there to support me.

Maturation is the development from environmental support to self-support.

I've always been clear, I support the traditional definition of marriage.

If I had a philosophy, it's that I support the beautiful side of anarchy.

My songs are like my children - I expect them to support me when I'm old.

Economic policies command bipartisan support only when they're incoherent.

It takes four private-sector jobs to support every public-sector employee.

It's not that we have to give to support the gospel. Giving is the gospel.

I have created a life style that supports contemplation, service to words.

To some it's a six-pack, to me it's a "support group". Salvation in a can!

If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.

It's an honor to have the support and trust of the Kentucky State AFL-CIO.

I'm so lucky. I have such a great support system. All I have to do is run.

Don't let the myths make you believe that women don't support other women.

If you can't support us when we lose or draw, don't support us when we win

I just want to make sure to always tell my fans thank you for the support.

I support affirmative action. I support special measures when you need it.

If there's no other alternative, I support civilian trials for terrorists.

A lot of support gets withheld out of fear of awkwardness and misspeaking.

No matter who or what you support, I believe in supporting fairness first.

It's hard for me to understand how working-class people support themselves.

Live your life in ways that do not support wars, whosoever are the victims.

Withdrawing support from globalization is taking us in the wrong direction.

EssJay was appointed at the request of and unanimous support of the ArbCom.

France could have all the socialism its capitalistic economy could support.

When your intentions are very pure and clear, nature brings support to you.

Obviously I wouldn't be able to do it without the support of so many people.

You'll get more support on a hard, important, project than a derivative one.

I'm also a video game addict, so I'm always looking to support my addiction.

What can we do to nurture and support a people capable of living in freedom?

Ted [Cruz], you support legalizing people who are in this country illegally.

I think there's bipartisan support in the Senate to pass a good reform bill.

I don't care who is attacking my son. I still support him; I still love him.

I have the complete support of the military. I personally served in the navy.

I think you should stay with your trainers, with your team, and support them.

I do not support child abuse. It's a disgusting crime of which I am a victim.

I don't think Trump's a conservative, I'm certainly not going to support him.

If you have the support of people with a heart and a brain, then you're good.

... one pets what one degrades; and one has to support what one has enfeebled

Russia would not support anything which would be actually imposed on Syrians.

People, instead of competing, they can actually support each other, in music.

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