I got to learn to surf.

I surf the net regularly.

Dick Dale don't surf no more.

I run on the beach, surf, and bike.

It's all about where your mind's at

Surf the Web is a happy coincidence.

I love having the opportunity to surf.

I am terrified of sharks, so I don't surf!

The waves do keep coming, so learn to surf.

I've committed to surfing the rest of my life.

If time means nothing to you, then surf the Web.

People laughed at me for setting up a surf shop.

I plan to surf more - learn the way of the wave.

I met Xavier Rudd at a surf festival in England.

I never surf (the Net). I don't know the password.

That's pretty much all I do - skate, surf, and jam.

This proves Indians do nothing else but surf the Web.

I love the influence of surf culture on fashion in L.A.

I was 45 years old when I decided to learn how to surf.

[The Surf Lodge performance] is sort of like an annual thing.

The whole surf culture is starting to embrace women a lot more.

I also love to surf the Net and talk on the phone with friends.

Surf is something I have been obsessed with since I was a child.

I don't let myself 'surf' on the Web, or I would probably drown.

I ski, I surf, I scuba dive... any sport that starts with an 's.'

Riding is my passion, but a very close second is sun, sand, and surf.

It's like the mafia. Once you're in - your in. There's no getting out.

I'm just a glutton for spas and messages. And I love to surf and hike.

Surf music is played through a Showman amp with a Stratocaster guitar.

But I did a lot of boxing and I was captain of an Australian surf club.

I just want to be able surf everything - from big waves to small waves.

For a surfer, it's never-ending. There's always some wave you want to surf.

If you can surf your life rather than plant your feet, you will be happier.

I don't have a lot of time to surf the net and see what everyone's wearing.

I'm just a surfer who wanted to build something that would allow me to surf longer.

I surf. I would love to do a remake of 'Gidget.' It could be, like, black 'Gidget.'

Change is the only constant. Learn to surf your life instead of planting your feet.

When my guitar was growling, playing surf beat, you could hear it; you could feel it.

I have hobbies. I like being active. I like to surf a lot, play a little bit of golf.

The older I get, the more I surf and do more stretches to get ready for the rock show.

I'm a surfer. I grew up in Southern California and used to surf twice a day, every day.

I surf because it keeps my life at an even keel, without it I would tip into the oblivion.

Life comes at us in waves. We can't predict or control those waves, but we can learn to surf

I'm getting older now, and though I still surf well, it's hard for me to paddle in big surf.

I used to surf up in Ventura County at Silver Strand; plus, I've played up there many times.

The social scene in Daytona Beach was simple. The white cats surf, and the blacks play music.

I definitely love beaches. I love to surf. I love to fish, and I'm always in need of a suntan.

Surf music is actually just the sound of the waves played on a guitar: that wet, splashy sound.

I'm a culture person when I'm working, so my downtime is beach time: sand, surf and a barbecue.

I'd most likely be a helicopter pilot, or I'd own a really cool surf hotel somewhere on a beach.

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