I love surprising the fans.

Humans were always surprising me.

Art must take reality by surprise.

Who I am really keeps surprising me.

For me winning isn`t surprising at all

I just keep surprising myself, I guess.

My writing has a lot of surprising twists.

You have to keep surprising your audience.

Success and failure are equally surprising.

John Cena's success was the least surprising.

History is never surprising after it happens.

I like clothes that feel fresh and surprising.

Surprising, I know. Everyone thinks I'm older.

It's surprising how much hate mail I don't get.

Desperation can make a person do surprising things.

This death sentence is not surprising. It had to be.

I like to do things that are surprising and different.

Everything should be at once surprising and inevitable.

Illness can make us behave in the most surprising ways.

I prefer ugly things. I prefer things which are surprising.

Union of religious sentiments begets a surprising confidence.

Shakespeare--whetting, frustrating, surprising and gratifying.

It's great when you know somebody and they keep surprising you.

There has never been a better raconteur than Jesus of Nazareth.

I want to constantly be surprising people with different roles.

Love is an experiment ... what happens next is always surprising.

The idea for any film is always going to be surprising or unusual.

The dream is to keep surprising yourself, never mind the audience.

Life itself is so surprising, a predictable story is unsatisfying.

I like a show to unfold and keep presenting itself, surprising you.

Everything that has happened to me has been amazing and surprising.

I'm not very precious at all, which I think people find surprising.

A surprising amount of my jokes sound very implausible but are true.

Surprising people is the key to career longevity for someone like me.

Sometimes a sincere moment is the most surprising thing you can write.

It's really surprising that what you put on paper, people will believe.

Considering the company I keep in this place, that is hardly surprising.

Anytime a guy gets traded at midseason - a young player - it's surprising.

It's surprising that the world is understandable to the extent that it is.

There is something thrilling in the mimesis of life's surprising unfolding.

Surprise is the essence of humor, and nothing is more surprising than truth.

Knowledge comes as it will. Life's lessons come at the most surprising times.

I hope I'm always surprising people, and I hope I'm always surprising myself.

It's surprising how hard we'll work when the work is done just for ourselves.

It's surprising how much memory is built around things unnoticed at the time.

The surprising thing about young fools is how many survive to become old fools.

When thugs by nature meet thugs by political conviction, 5-0 is not surprising.

It's kind of surprising that you could just open up a site and let people work.

Here's some news you might find surprising: By and large, the French like Jews.

Perhaps the most surprising thing about mathematics is that it is so surprising.

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