We need to tackle energy poverty.

I want stories that tackle things.

I don't complain if I get a hard tackle.

I was small but slow as a college tackle.

At nose tackle, you don't have to run that much.

As I say, 'Every tackle's nightmare is third and long.'

It isn't necessary to see a good tackle. You can hear it.

I don't know how many times you see 10s tackle each other.

Turkey's economy is powerful enough to tackle tough times.

It makes me feel resilient when you tackle different things.

We will never end poverty if we don't tackle climate change.

It's a nice release when you make a perfect tackle, a good hit.

You know, I played football, I was offensive tackle in college.

Beijing has shown how to tackle air pollution by using smog towers.

To tackle the scourge of young unemployment we need to be ambitious.

I don't like to overthink. I tackle situations and problems head-on.

Make this the year you tackle that credit card debt once and for all.

When a defender comes up to tackle me, I want him to feel that ground.

Redistricting reform is one of the most important issues we can tackle.

I hurt my left knee playing left tackle. I had surgery on my right knee.

David Bakhtiari is a guy I like to watch. He's an exceptional left tackle.

Whatever I tackle I like to attack a situation, hit it head on, go for it.

I feel like I'm an inside guy, I feel like I'm a three-tech or nose tackle.

I want to tackle the award-winning films. I want to be seen as an actor-actor.

Making a great television show is hard enough. To also tackle F. Scott - whoa.

Nobody likes it when people dribble past them, me included, but I can't tackle.

For me, any story I tackle begins with the human relationships and not the plot.

Sometimes going in for a hard tackle generates a louder cheer than a great pass.

I like having a new challenge to tackle because that gives me an adrenaline rush.

I obviously bring all of my insecurities along with me to any role that I tackle.

Very much like a disease, we have to tackle the cause of racism, not the symptoms.

He's a layered person, so you have to tackle all the aspects of Tupac individually.

I played every position, from right tackle to quarterback and everything in between.

When the ball is snapped I want to tackle the other guy, the other team is my enemy.

It seems like the right thing to do is tackle problems other people aren't working on.

I think I could handle right tackle. With great coaches, I think I can handle anything.

Where there is flagrant abuse of corporate entities we must and will seek to tackle it.

You just gotta do it, man. You can't count on the guy making the tackle in front of you.

I saw a complete lack of courage in Washington to tackle some of our biggest challenges.

Welfare's just one of the problems Labour failed to tackle when they were in government.

Any new financial order for the world must tackle the three chief challenges of our age.

Our biggest challenge is always story. The story is the ultimate thing you try to tackle.

Unlike in Washington, Virginia's leaders don't run from serious problems. We tackle them.

I'm not nearly smart enough or imaginative enough to tackle the novel form. Never happen.

My job as a coach is to make good decisions. It's not to go out there and block or tackle.

You have to tackle the real drivers of debt - that's mandatory spending, not discretionary.

I can say confidently that I don't think Austin Corbett is going to play tackle in the NFL.

When I was agriculture minister, we drafted specific policies to tackle the agrarian crisis.

My mom didn't let me play tackle until I was in high school. She didn't want me to get hurt.

But 'Brigsby Bear' was really important to me, because I wanted to tackle something dramatic.

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