It takes nine tailors to make a man.

A gentleman never talks about his tailor.

I don't have a tailor, but I do love clothes.

Every generation tailors history to its taste.

Be yourself. Know your proportions. And have a good tailor.

I've got the luxury to tailor make the songs so I can sing them.

There goes a man made by the Lord Almighty and not by his tailor.

ARMOR, n. The kind of clothing worn by a man whose tailor is a blacksmith.

A fop of fashion is the mercer's friend, the tailor's fool, and his own foe.

So, after school, I needed to learn a trade and started to work as a tailor.

The only sensible person is my tailor. He measures me anew each time he sees me.

I travel a lot, and I hunt for fabrics, then I have the tailor make me something.

Tis not the robe or garment I affect; For who would marry with a suit of clothes?

I help people with not just the 'what' but the 'how' and tailor for individual needs

Sister, look ye, How, by a new creation of my tailor's I've shook off old mortality.

If youre wearing suits and you want to create your own sense of style, get to the tailor.

I designed it, the tailors wanted the kilt as a high joint but I wanted mine low like a Jedi.

I think if you try to tailor your act to anybody, you end up with an act that doesn't work anyway.

I start casting early in the writing process, so I can tailor the script to the gifts of the actors.

Truth is for tailors and shoemakers. I, on the contrary, have always held that the Lord has a penchant for masquerades.

I don't know any comedian who tailors his act to his audience. Maybe people say they do, but I can't even imagine them.

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, who said to his tailor Irving, Forget the slacks - please work on the blazer! Never got a dinner!

Macroeconomic adjustment programmes are tailor-made to the situation of the country concerned and no models or templates are used.

A tailor can adapt to any medium, be it poetry, be it criticism. As a poet, he can mend, and with the scissors of criticism he candivide.

The idea that the reader is important enough to me that I'd tailor my words to either please or offend them always seems amusingly alien to me.

I always say I hope to God I die in a town with a good tailor, a good shoemaker, and perhaps someone who's interested in a little quelque chose d'autre.

Why are women so fond of raking up the past? They're as bad as tailors, who invariably remember what you owe them for a suit long after you've ceased to wear it.

I'd say that the No. 1 attribute you need as an actor is to be malleable. You need to be able to change and tailor what you're doing to what the situation dictates.

I'd really want to - just from my own experience as an artist working with a writer, I'd want to do everything I could to tailor it to the artist I was working with.

You let him go alone? (Kat) Well, given the fact that it was in this time zone and there’s a little thing outside called the sun...yeah. Burnt-up Daimon wouldn’t be helpful to nobody, least of all me and my tailor. (Damien)

My diminished girth, in tailor phraseology, was hardly conceivable even by my own friends, or my respected medical adviser, until I put on my former clothing, over what I now wear, which is a thoroughly convincing proof of the remarkable change.

Tailor your space to your needs. In one closet, I have upper and lower rods for skirts, pants and tops. The second is all shelves for bags and linens. In the third, there's just one rod for suits and dresses. To hang evening gowns, I use hooks on the ceiling.

Love in modern times has been the tailor's best friend. Every suitor of the nineteenth century spends more than his spare cash on personal adornment. A faultless fit, a glistening hat, tight gloves, and tighter boots proclaim the imminent peril of his position.

I'll be true, I'll be useful...I'll be cavalier...I'll be yours my dear.and I'll belong to you...if you'll just let me through.this is easy as lovers go,so don't complicate it by hesitating.and this is wonderful as loving goes,this is tailor-made, whats the sense in waiting?

There's no question about it. Beaumarie St. Claire and I, we created Irish DreamTime after GoldenEye hit. We made movies like Thomas Crown and The Matador. And in between my stints as James Bond, I'd go off and I'd do something like The Matador or Tailor of Panama, which was spy related, just so I could shake it up. It's a genre which really appeals to me.

Allah has tailor made the test for each and every one of us and none of us will be given something which we can't bear. I am given something that I can bear and you are given something that YOU can bear. The tests won't be the same for you and me. This is why suicide is the a great wrong because by suicide you're basically declaring, 'Oh Allah this is too much, I can't take it anymore!

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