At fourteen, I started sending out demo tapes.

People's arrest tapes, mug shots, everything is online.

Well, I'm a tape-recording nut. I like to play my tapes.

When I was really young, I was using VHS tapes to record.

Start as early as you can. Make tapes of your characters.

When my mom travelled, she would bring me basketball tapes.

I treat recorded tapes the way a film director treats his rushes.

I don't like to judge from tapes. The strategy starts in the ring.

As far as I know, no tapes exist from my years at 'T.J.'s.' I wish they did.

I used to make cassette tapes but never thought about making a career of it.

I always just like to improvise, and that goes for my audition tapes as well.

But I think the record will actually come from tapes that are not yet recorded.

Whenever I didn't have a job, I studied acting, I sent out tapes, went on auditions.

I can't get a relationship to last longer than it takes to make copies of their tapes.

My dad is huge on music, so he always made tapes from his friends. That's how I got into music.

The record company didn't know what we looked like at first. They were all excited about our tapes.

We think of our eyes as video cameras and our brains as blank tapes to be filled with sensory inputs.

And we broadcast tapes sent to us from Americans against the war. These were most effective I believe.

Santana is the reason I play guitar - I studied his style so much, I actually wore out the video tapes.

I thought Nixon was getting ganged up on, but when I heard the tapes, I was shocked and terribly saddened.

There are so many bootlegged Joy Division/Martin Hannett tapes, a lot of really bad bootlegs on the Internet.

A hard copy? It's fire. People want vinyl and cassette tapes - it's just cool to be able to touch it and feel it.

I'm very, very private; I don't enjoy talking about myself to strangers. Particularly strangers with tapes going.

I dug up my dad's old Fred Astaire tapes, and now I find him super-inspiring. He's, like, one of the best dancers.

If you don't think drugs have done good things for us, then take all of your records, tapes and CD's and burn them.

I love listening to music on holiday, and back in the old days, I used to travel with cassette tapes and a boombox.

I have listened to tapes of myself interviewing people and mostly I try to be better at directing the conversation.

I remember, when I started acting officially, I was unbelievably green. My first audition tapes were just horrendous.

Getting the ideas are a struggle for me. I'm doing better now that I use the concentration tapes. More unusual ideas.

My mum records everything I'm in on VHS. Like, who still has VHS? I told her it's all online now, but she still tapes it.

When I was a little girl, whenever I would get sick, my mom would go and get stacks and stacks of VHS tapes from Blockbuster.

I graduated from high school in 1963. There were no computers, cell phones, Internet, credit cards, cassette tapes or cable TV.

People like Busta Rhymes would say, 'Clinton Sparks doesn't do mix tapes; he does albums. He just throws albums out on the street.'

My romantically favorite era is 78, 79 listening to Grandmaster Flash and the Furious 4, the live tapes, echo chamber and break beats.

I'm endlessly putting myself on tapes for things over in America! I'm always sitting at home, learning lines, sending stuff to America.

My mom used to buy us a whole lot of VHS tapes - we had boxes of them, hundreds of them. So we would just go through movies all the time.

I eat a huge breakfast every morning. I do a lot of work at the gym, a lot of power-lifting, a lot of cardio, and I study wrestling tapes.

There's some dudes that did Gangsta Grillz tapes who probably weren't worthy of it - their label just put up the bread, or they did a favor.

My parents always told me about VHS tapes. And the Walkman, everyone had those. I had never even seen one until I got onto 'Stranger Things.'

People are always asking me where they can get some of my matches on tapes and DVDs. The people always tell me they see me on Youtube or whatever.

The White House tapes, the recordings that Nixon made of his conversations in office, have long been recognized as a marvel of verbal incontinence.

The upshot of the Nixon tapes case was that any president is going to have an extremely hard time resisting a request from a law enforcement officer.

They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus, that means guns, sex, lies, video tapes, but if I talk about God my record won't get played Huh?

When we were younger, we sang at the dinner table. We started doing two part harmony, then three part, and then we added back up tapes and instruments.

When I look back at the tapes, your first everything, your first All-Star Game, your first playoff experience, it just seems like it went by really fast.

All my writing takes place during the recording of the master tapes. I never do have songs when I start up an album. I actually write them while I record.

Lots of people I know have bootlegged tapes of performances and if they play it I will be transported back sometimes with happiness, sometimes with horror.

I've always sung. I was really into musical theater when I was growing up. As a kid, I listened to Ella Fitzgerald and Nina Simone, actually, on cassette tapes.

Occasionally, if I'm in doubt over specific Indian classical or raga-related questions, I'll find myself going back to my lesson tapes or my father's recordings.

If people are really excited about their music, and that's their primary motivation, then that comes through in demo tapes. That's the most important ingredient.

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