Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks ...

Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.

A thinker is a person.

I'm a thinker not a talker.

I am a very bottom-up thinker.

Thinkers are as scarce as gold.

Thinkers perish, thoughts don't.

Our century is a brutal thinker.

Wise thinkers prevail everywhere.

I'm not really a negative thinker.

Better readers are better thinkers.

I'm a thinker as much as I'm a talker.

I'm not a great deep political thinker.

I'm a 'blue sky thinker' and dream big.

No, I try not to be a negative thinker.

I am a linear thinker in a lot of ways.

Let's teach our children to be thinkers.

I'm a classical liberal. A free thinker.

The heart is the best reflective thinker.

Brisk talkers are generally slow thinkers.

He was a 'how' thinker, not an 'if' thinker.

Every great thinker is someone else's moron.

There are a lot of clear thinkers everywhere.

Like all former thinkers, I'm writing a book.

Every great thinker keeps a journal, you know.

Negative thinkers always have a negative vision.

I'm a thinker and feeler and dreamer and explorer.

I've always been a big, bold thinker and a dreamer.

Uncommon thinkers reuse what common thinkers refuse

I aint a drinker Im a thinker, call it what you want

I think of myself as more of a maker than a thinker.

I'm not a big thinker. The less thinking the better.

I don't consider myself to be that radical a thinker.

I was not a public - I was not a thinker. I was a doer.

I wouldn't say I was a born writer; I'm a born thinker.

You can't be a good writer without being a good thinker.

I'm a deep thinker when it comes to shallow no brainers.

I'm bad at doing what I'm told. I'm a born free thinker.

The most original sin is not the thinker's but the poet's.

Take away paradox from the thinker and you have a professor.

I'm not my thoughts, I'm the thinker who has those thoughts.

I am not an original thinker-but I am an original listener.)

The profession of being a creative thinker is not so obvious.

A thinker reverses roles and sees the perspectives of others.

I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers

Clearly, Enlightenment thinkers were seeking a God substitute.

I like to have fun and be funny, but I'm much more of a thinker.

[James Mattis] is a student of history. He's a strategic thinker.

All things are at odds when God sets a thinker loose on the planet

Conclusion: better to be a thinking monk than a postmodern thinker.

Kendrick Lamar is a great, great thinker. He's a tremendous artist.

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