I'm very comfortable in a room with thousands of people.

I was told by thousands of people I would never make it.

Thousands of people seeing the same thing cannot all be wrong.

A story in Asimov's is read by hundreds of thousands of people.

Any time you employ thousands of people, some people do dumb things.

Playing in Japan for thousands of people was like playing on the moon.

Who would imagine, at Coachella, thousands of people singing in Korean?

Nobody plans on playing their own songs in front of thousands of people.

I used to play music at home, and now I'm playing for thousands of people.

Stick a camera up in an Indian village, and thousands of people come to watch.

I've run businesses with thousands of people. I've run businesses with 10 people.

It's just a wild experience to have thousands of people stand up and cheer for you.

I grew up singing, and I played on Broadway to thousands of people, you know what I mean?

I would go to sleep and dream about being onstage with thousands and thousands of people.

There are thousands of people outside the O2 queuing up to see people like Skepta and JME.

A room full of hundreds, let alone thousands, of people is not my most fun thing in the world.

Thousands of people go to jail, go to prison, every year without even meeting with an attorney.

I have a great, great company. I employ thousands of people. And I'm very proud of the job I did.

I get to travel the world in front of thousands of people and get paid for it. It's pretty awesome.

An 'OMG' of mine would probably be speaking on stage and performing in front of thousands of people!

I've got no ego; I just like to have thousands of people write to me and tell me how wonderful I am.

When you go on the stage before thousands of people, you can be excited and nervous, but it's not fear.

Love fanfic or hate it, it's getting thousands of people to read and write who otherwise would not have.

During the week, I'm a normal kid, and then on the weekends, I go out and perform to thousands of people.

I think every day how incredibly lucky it is that I travel around the world playing to thousands of people.

In India, thousands of people want to be in the movies because Bollywood plays such a huge role in our lives.

It's great to do small plays in the theatre and then go off with Blur and play in front of thousands of people.

It's tremendously undemocratic in a democratic society when you deliberately disenfranchise thousands of people.

I've fought in front of thousands of people and never responded to the crowd. I got there, did my job, and left.

I dreamt of playing in front of thousands of people as a kid, but I dreamt of playing in World Cup finals as well.

The thing about doing gigs is you make music, and then it is gone and that is being watched by thousands of people.

I've been able to perform in front of thousands of people on stage in a character that's nothing like me. I'm very shy.

I can go in front of thousands of people on stage and not be afraid, but when there's just a few people, that scares me.

When you're on a scale like we are in 170 countries and hundreds of thousands of people, you have a single point of view.

I have a huge fear of crowds. The irony is that my band is a therapeutic exercise. I hurl myself into thousands of people.

Thousands of people perish in the Straits of Florida every year. We understand it within the context of the Cuban reality.

I think it's very important to allow people into Ted Kennedy. Thousands of people lined the streets the day of his funeral.

You can't sustain a high level of intense activity with thousands of people forever. It has to be for a specific objective.

The collapse of Enron was devastating to tens of thousands of people and shook the public's confidence in corporate America.

A Grateful Dead concert is much more than the music: it's an experience, almost like being in a family of thousands of people.

We are proactively training and upscaling thousands of people in key areas such as cloud, artificial intelligence, and robotics.

I used to write stories on Facebook, and people started reading them, from 10-12 people initially, to thousands of people later.

But when I reintroduced the Nation of Islam, and began to host meetings in cities and thousands and thousands of people come out.

Terrorists convince thousands of people to kill themselves in the name of God. I can't convince two of my friends to help me move.

In the silence of night I have often wished for just a few words of love from one man, rather than the applause of thousands of people.

In showbiz one minute you're up there making thousands of people laugh, next minute you're picking up toffees, you know it's real life.

How many times do you get to play in Portland in front of how many thousands of people? That's the kind of environment we want to be in.

Thousands upon thousands of people across America and many more across the globe are suffering at the hands of the oil and gas industry.

It's been amazing getting to go from city to city and perform for thousands of people. It's an amazing feeling, and the energy is crazy.

We had thousands of people outside Queen's Park Oval in Trinidad. We would wait to get inside to watch a Test at six o'clock in the morning.

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